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carboy280 - 3/12/05 at 03:16 PM

can someone give me a list of cars that are (almost) able to fit straight into a locost chassis.

viatron - 3/12/05 at 03:28 PM

I presume you mean engines?
If so the popular choices seem to Ford Crossflow, Ford Pinto and i think Ford Zetec and Toyota 4 age, but get confirmation as i am building a Tiger not a book chassis.


Russ-Turner - 3/12/05 at 04:36 PM

My CVH will fit too after i've mutilated it with a hacksaw and adopted an attack position with my trusty fixing hammer.

ned - 3/12/05 at 06:14 PM

Originally posted by carboy280
can someone give me a list of cars that are (almost) able to fit straight into a locost chassis.

the Dinky or Matchbox types should be ok.


Humbug - 3/12/05 at 06:32 PM

K-Series fits in my ST, so I think it should fit in a book chassis... the only thing is, it sticks out the top a way

colibriman - 3/12/05 at 07:29 PM

Most bike engines fit... give me a shout If you fancy one!

clbarclay - 4/12/05 at 12:15 AM

If you are meaning other than engines, ie. complete donor cars, then the old ford escorts (mk 1 or 2) and cortinas (mk 3, 4 or 5) are the only ones that fit straight into a book chassis, though there may be one or two other cars that would with a little effort.

The most populare donor of recent times is probalby the ford sierra, but that like many other potential donors require either a live rear axle sourced from else where or need a different rear end setup to use donor components.