I am using a mk1 steering column which has the flat topped steering wheel.
I will have to get a shroud as I only have the small top piece - I was wondering:-
- does the shroud look OK with a decent steering wheel as I can not find a picture that shows the shroud clearly - does anyone have a photo?
- any idea what the cost is new?
Thanks Greg
i personally didnt like the shroud so igot a piece of ali bent it round a paint pot and put a couple of holes in
k33ts that looks nice. Think ill nick your idea as my shroud is missing!
and in true locost style the indicator stalk is a handle of a craft knife epoxyed into the original stalk
tight git en i.
Thanks k33ts, nice idea. How thick was the alloy it looks quite thick on the photo?
16 18 not sure its just what i had left over
That stalk is one hell of a good idea! Don't mind if I nick it too do you? How could I get the washer to work?
How is the shroud fixed?? Have u split it or what?
yep, another one going to nick that idea, nice one mate
I made one from fibreglass. It's such a good fit, it's not actually screwed on
Get some ally wire for yer mig!
A few sraps of ally & some time.
Rescued attachment shroud.jpg
Rescued attachment shoud2.jpg
show off!!
Originally posted by k33ts
show off!!