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Are they worth hanging on to?
Browser - 8/3/07 at 08:55 AM

I stripped a Sierra a while back and still have the driveshafts and two-piece prop in my shed. The driveshafts I can sort-of see a use for for joint spares for mine but the prop I cannot. Is the prop worth anything to anybody or are they so commonplace I might as well ditch it? Since I've got the original width Velocity I've already got a set of shortened driveshafts so, apart from keeping these ones for the joints, are they worth hanging onto? I don't think I'd be able to sell 'em as they're still relatively common and heavy to post.

nick205 - 8/3/07 at 09:01 AM

Quite a few builders don't start with a complete donor car so they will be worth something and someone on here is bound to be after a set of shafts and/or a prop. Stick a post in the For Sale section and mention that the buyer must collect.