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SVA pass Glasgow
pbs - 24/4/09 at 03:18 PM

Well after 10+ years of build my car passed the SVA in Glasgow at the first attempt on Wednesday.

A big thank you to Alan Burns, SVA inspector, for his calming nature and thorough test and also to Paul McCrindle from Scottish kit car club for help and support on the day.

I had my DVLA inspection a few weeks ago so I was straight into the city centre with the car on a trailer. It took a few laps of the city centre but I managed to get a parking space big enough to take the car and trailer. Half hour later I had my reg number and tax and had the car on the road later that night after I got my plates.

Weather permitting I’m going to put some miles on the car this weekend and hope to meet up with Craig Chamberlain, who also has a V8 Locost and scare some bikers with our V8 rumble!!

Oh, also picking up a 4.2 injected engine this weekend which I plan to fit over the winter, roll on. Hope that doesn’t take another 10 years!

Bruce Rescued attachment Image025.jpg
Rescued attachment Image025.jpg

coozer - 24/4/09 at 03:27 PM

Congrats, was just going to ask what you going to be doing with ya time but a bigger V8 eh? Excellent!

iscmatt - 24/4/09 at 03:53 PM

well done, the car looks stunning! well worth the effort

jambo - 24/4/09 at 04:03 PM

looks a very good build mate,well done
sva at glasgow was good for me also.

jollygreengiant - 24/4/09 at 04:20 PM

Well done that man.

Dangle_kt - 24/4/09 at 05:43 PM

excellent result.

Was all the work worth it for that MAC moment?

speedyxjs - 24/4/09 at 07:25 PM

Great looking car and in a nice colour. Well done

Valtra - 24/4/09 at 07:52 PM

Nice looking car . congratulations

Danozeman - 24/4/09 at 09:03 PM

Welldone mate.

Nice looking car what bonnet and scuttle is that?

pbs - 25/4/09 at 07:48 AM

Bonnet, nose cone were home made in fiberglass and the scuttle was made in steel. Rear arches were bought but narrowed and I made and fitted light housings to take Fiat Coupe rear lights.

craig1410 - 25/4/09 at 03:19 PM

It's a beauty isn't it? I've got some catching up to do on the cosmetic front I think...

I'll also have a bit of catching up to do on the performance front too once the 4.2 V8 gets fitted.
