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FWD Uprights for IRS
MikeRJ - 7/8/04 at 09:18 PM

Finaly got my front suspension sorted out, so turned my attention to the rear. The previous owner of the chassis had decided on a Tiger Avon style ISR, and has fabricated some hubs and wishbones. Unfortunately the wishbones are only fit for scrap as they are badly twisted.

I'm now thinking that using the wishbones is going to give me basicly now scope to adjust camber and toe, bar welding the brakets on the chassis in a different location. I'm wondering if anyone has ever used an upright/hub from a FWD car on the rear? This would allow me to use wishbones with ball joints like the front to adjust camber, and gives the option of adjusting toe via a fixed tie rod to the steering arm.

The big problems as I see it would be custom driveshafts (unless anyone knows a FWD hub that takes Sierra CV joints?), and having to sort out something for the hard brake.

I guess I could just go for e.g. an MR2 rear upright, and modify an old strut to take a ball joint as per the Sierra front uprights.

Any thoughts welcomed at this stage!

mangogrooveworkshop - 7/8/04 at 10:18 PM

get a dedion rear from gts and save your self the headache that you look to be heading for.

All sierra and simple to locate. When fitted your rear wheels should with a little luck be faceing in the same direction as the others.

Look in my archive its a MK dedion but GTS is not to differant
Hope that helps

MikeRJ - 8/8/04 at 12:54 PM

Dedion is something I have considered, but I need one 4" wider than standard which is something thet GTS do not (yet?) make.

Steve Hnz - 8/8/04 at 01:03 PM

The GTS de dion axle tube takes a full width Sierra hub & half shaft set & is approx 4" greater than the book axle width.

MikeRJ - 8/8/04 at 01:06 PM

I had thought that the GTS De Dion kit was for their own standard width chassis? I have sent Darren an email, if it will fit my chassis he will be getting an order!

tom_loughlin - 8/8/04 at 01:28 PM

the gts is made for sierra gear to drop straight in - its standard width at the back.
check out my pic archive for pics if u need them.
darren is away for a week or so on hol, ithink hes back a week on monday.
all the best

MikeRJ - 8/8/04 at 03:13 PM

Thanks for the help guys. Does anyone know what the distance between the drive flanges is on the GTS De Dion/Sierra? That would let me know how far different the front and rear track is going to be.

I'm keen to go for this, it's going to save an awfull lot of work if it fits.