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Sierra LSD
h4887 - 9/1/14 at 04:24 PM

Sierra 7" lsd, 3.62, Lobro flanges, £140. Collection only, Essex

marco - 9/1/14 at 04:56 PM

Geoff is that the bolt on shafts as opposed to push in?

I would take it and organize a courier to collect if your happy with that depending on the above answer?


Jamster1233 - 23/1/14 at 11:33 PM

still available ? what shaft is it ? bolt on or push in ?

mcerd1 - 24/1/14 at 08:09 AM

all ford LSD's are bolt-on - there is no push-in version available and they cannot be converted to push-in

if you want an LSD for push-in shafts then you have to get an aftermarket LSD (quaife, tran-x, etc...)

[Edited on 24/1/2014 by mcerd1]

loggyboy - 24/1/14 at 08:51 AM

THe OP states lobro flanges - these are the bolt on parts.