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3.38 Diff wanted
Kev99 - 29/5/06 at 01:01 PM

3.38 or 3.14 dif wanted at a reasonable price

Bryan Sears - 29/5/06 at 01:56 PM

I found a 3.38 for £100 the 3.14 only exist in Greek Mythology.
Some say the gearing is too high on a 3.14 anyway unless you are going for the land speed record.

peterriley2 - 29/5/06 at 07:01 PM

if u u2u me in about a week, i might have one- i brought either a 3.38 or 3.14 from a diesel 2.3, but im going to get a similar donor- basically ill end up having 2! but as ive not got it yet i cant sell the one ive got.