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MNR, strong beer and girls. PIC
sorens2 - 29/11/09 at 06:15 PM

Just had a small party i the garage.

Soren S2 Rescued attachment MNR Slutty.JPG
Rescued attachment MNR Slutty.JPG

nitram38 - 29/11/09 at 06:24 PM

You lucky...........

Stuart_B - 29/11/09 at 06:26 PM


sorens2 - 29/11/09 at 06:27 PM

My car is dirty.....and so is she.

Soren S2

[Edited on 29/11/09 by sorens2]

speedyxjs - 29/11/09 at 06:27 PM

Very nice

tegwin - 29/11/09 at 06:28 PM

Road kill!

antonio - 29/11/09 at 06:30 PM

Originally posted by sorens2
My car is dirty.....and so is she.

Soren S2

[Edited on 29/11/09 by sorens2]

just what i was thinking!

Dangle_kt - 29/11/09 at 06:39 PM

I wonder what is u der the logo.....

sorens2 - 29/11/09 at 06:42 PM

I know whatīs under there.
I have the org. pic.

Soren S2

Steve Hignett - 29/11/09 at 06:53 PM

If it si what Anna Nicole Smith (Tanya) revealed to Lt Frank Drebin: Police Squad, in Naked Gun 33 1/3 then please don't ever show anyone the original...........

iscmatt - 29/11/09 at 06:54 PM

wassteeeddd!!! haha, tactical positioning of the locostbuilders too!

02GF74 - 29/11/09 at 07:24 PM

the valve cap is missing from your tyre,

McLannahan - 29/11/09 at 07:31 PM

Originally posted by Steve Hignett
If it si what Anna Nicole Smith (Tanya) revealed to Lt Frank Drebin: Police Squad, in Naked Gun 33 1/3 then please don't ever show anyone the original...........

Thanks....I've just had it stuffed....

grub - 29/11/09 at 07:58 PM

and thats before the tuborg has been opened

coozer - 29/11/09 at 08:05 PM

Was your mad mate there as well?

sorens2 - 29/11/09 at 09:53 PM

The valvecap is not missing.
Itīs quicker to check tyrepressure this way.

My "Mad mate" ????
Do you mean Martin who joined me when we bought the car at MNR ?

Soren S2

norfolkluego - 29/11/09 at 10:08 PM

Where's the car?

Triggerhappy - 30/11/09 at 12:46 PM

Need to finish my car, Need to finish my car, Need to finish my car, Need to finish my car, Need to finish my car...and buy beer!

coozer - 30/11/09 at 05:20 PM

Originally posted by sorens2
The valvecap is not missing.
Itīs quicker to check tyrepressure this way.

My "Mad mate" ????
Do you mean Martin who joined me when we bought the car at MNR ?

Soren S2

Yep, Martin the mad drinking helping hand. Made me laugh all the way home and I still snigger when I think of the day

TimC - 3/12/09 at 08:46 AM

That's a funny post!

I bet her Mother is proud.

matt.c - 3/12/09 at 09:14 PM

I would be saying "get of the car you stupid bl**y women and get back in the kitchen where you belong"

T66 - 8/12/09 at 07:36 PM


If I bring strong beer can I come to one of your parties then ??

Better than the run of the mill garage pics - well done