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2Gether Insurance are going green!
2GETHER INS - 7/3/12 at 05:10 PM

2Gether Insurance now offer an electronic document service, making us faster, safer & environmentally friendly!

Call us to find out more...

01945 465508

[Edited on 7/3/12 by 2GETHER INS]

AdrianH - 7/3/12 at 05:13 PM

How would that work if asked to produce, or is that a thing of the past now with the local bobby..


Proby - 7/3/12 at 05:20 PM

If it works the same as the other 'Green' insurance companies that use online systems, you just go online to your account and print off the required documents (assuming you have a printer).

loggyboy - 7/3/12 at 05:23 PM

Originally posted by AdrianH
How would that work if asked to produce, or is that a thing of the past now with the local bobby..


as above, but like you say, with the Motor Insurance Database, 'producers' are pretty out of use.

tegwin - 7/3/12 at 05:24 PM

Given that most of the vehicles insured are going to be gas guzzling lentil killers.... saving a few grams of carbon printing and posting a bit of paper seems a little strange. Do people really buy into companies that use the green gimik?

need4speed - 7/3/12 at 05:27 PM

Unless things have changed in the last 12months it's worth noting that the DVLA local office in Ipswich most likley all the same, won't accept your printed copy, they require an original from the insurance company.

Well unless you use slightly better quality paper and make sure it's been folded so it looks like it's been in an envelope

That was my experience anyway


westf27 - 7/3/12 at 05:31 PM

its a bit like sky tv saying they are carbon neutral ? How many installers vans running around !!

snakebelly - 7/3/12 at 05:54 PM

Shrewsbury also wont accept self printed insurance documents, but if you go back the next day with the same document and lie and say it was posted theres no issue....hint ...print it on good quality paper on the the best quality setting for your printer. Dont ask hopw i know!

Hugh_ - 7/3/12 at 06:00 PM

Originally posted by westf27
its a bit like sky tv saying they are carbon neutral ? How many installers vans running around !!

A firm I used to work for we're carbon neutral because they calculated emissions from all the vans and company cars via the expenses system and then bought carbon credits from a carbon consuming operation (typically a forestation scheme etc.) registered with the carbon trust.

owelly - 7/3/12 at 06:18 PM

Surely, 2gether are just saving money by not having to buy stationary and pay postage?

ashg - 7/3/12 at 07:14 PM

dont see how its green your still gonna print it off when they email it to you. all i see is a cost cutting exercise. work out what a sheet of paper a stamp and person to shove it in an envelope costs and apply the discount to my policy is what i say.

Johneturbo - 7/3/12 at 08:18 PM

Originally posted by ashg
dont see how its green your still gonna print it off when they email it to you. all i see is a cost cutting exercise. work out what a sheet of paper a stamp and person to shove it in an envelope costs and apply the discount to my policy is what i say.

So that's 50p off your next policy!

ashg - 7/3/12 at 08:35 PM

It's still 50p in my pocket and not theirs. Insurance companies rob us for enough as it is already

2GETHER INS - 11/3/12 at 07:56 PM

The Green Scheme will allow instant online access to your policy documents.
You can log in and view/print duplicate documents and possibly save money as some insurers charge for duplicate documents. If your tax is due and you can't find the certificate just log in and print one off.

The scheme is optional and paper documents are still available.

AdrianH - 11/3/12 at 08:03 PM

I am all for options.
