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B+E license
speedyxjs - 14/4/10 at 06:54 PM

Got my first 4 hour session doing my B+E license tomorrow morning at 7.30.

Has anyone got any advice as im a bit nervous (and i dont normally get nervous!)?

fesycresy - 14/4/10 at 07:17 PM

bacon and eggs ???????????

Benzine - 14/4/10 at 07:23 PM

Piddly little B+E? If it was C+E I'd have sympathy for you ^_^

Edit: Good luck, you can do it!

[Edited on 14/4/10 by Benzine]

blakep82 - 14/4/10 at 07:25 PM

whats a b+e? a trailer? man up

speedyxjs - 14/4/10 at 07:34 PM

Yeah trailer but i really need to get it ASAP. I think thats why i am a bit nervous

Benzine - I wish it were the C+E but that still wouldnt allow me to tow a trailer with the tintop Plus it would need renewal every year.

[Edited on 14-4-10 by speedyxjs]

robocog - 14/4/10 at 07:38 PM

I feel your nerves
Got my Bike Module 1 (retest) tomorrow
Hopefully this time I wont lock the rear on the emergency stop!

Good luck with it
what time is your test?

Thankfully mine is well early (8:30) so wont be spending the whole day builiding up worry about it this time (just longer to regret getting something wrong if I cock up)


JoelP - 14/4/10 at 07:40 PM

good luck speedy! Im going to do B+E soon. Have you got much experience with trailers? Always helps!

Davegtst - 14/4/10 at 08:58 PM

Don't worry about the towing part. The hard bit for me was going right back to basics, you have to pass you driving test again with the added bonus of pullig a trailer along. When i did mine i thought it would be just a few tests to make sure you could reverse it properly. One bit a lot of people fail on is when you have to disconect the trailer, drive off then reverse back and reconect it without moving the trailer. I fluked mine somehow and reversed the ball diectly under the hitch, i still don't know how i did it.

coozer - 14/4/10 at 08:59 PM

Why not go C+E and get the whole lot??

whitestu - 14/4/10 at 09:21 PM

I'm glad I'm an old git and don't have to do this!

Why on earth do you need an additional test to tow a trailer!

bi22le - 14/4/10 at 09:47 PM

I need to pass a test to tow a trailer?
I passed my test in 2000. Would I have to do a test to tow?

Ill check the back of my card me thinks.
I was just going to hire one and go!

Thanks for the heads up

blakep82 - 14/4/10 at 10:16 PM

Originally posted by bi22le
I need to pass a test to tow a trailer?
I passed my test in 2000. Would I have to do a test to tow?

Ill check the back of my card me thinks.
I was just going to hire one and go!

Thanks for the heads up

you're very much restriced if you pass after 1997. not very fair i think, but makes sense i suppose. was a bit wrong for someone to be able to pass their test in a mini on a friday, and drive a 7.5 ton truck on a saturday

matt_claydon - 14/4/10 at 10:34 PM

Originally posted by speedyxjs
Benzine - I wish it were the C+E but that still wouldnt allow me to tow a trailer with the tintop Plus it would need renewal every year.

How come?

Upgrading entitlement for trailers

In general, an additional driving test is required for each category or subcategory of entitlement. But there are certain exceptions to this where drivers have already passed one test which involves trailer entitlement for a larger or equivalent sized vehicle.

This means that passing a test for subcategory C1+E or D1+E upgrades category B entitlement to B+E. A test pass for subcategory C1+E upgrades subcategory D1, if held, to D1+E. But a test pass for subcategory D1+E does not upgrade subcategory C1 to C1+E because the trailer size required for a subcategory D1+E test is smaller than that required for a subcategory C1+E test.

Passing a test for category C+E upgrades category B entitlement to B+E and also confers entitlement to subcategory C1 and C1+E and, if category D or subcategory D1 is held, these are upgraded to category D+E or subcategory D1+E. A test passed for category D+E upgrades category B and subcategory D1 to category B+E and subcategory D1+E respectively. But it does not upgrade category C or subcategory C1 entitlements because the trailer size required for a category D+E test is smaller than that required for a category C+E or subcategory C1+E test.

[Edited on 14/4/10 by matt_claydon]

RIE - 15/4/10 at 08:01 AM

Originally posted by bi22le
I need to pass a test to tow a trailer?
I passed my test in 2000. Would I have to do a test to tow?

Ill check the back of my card me thinks.
I was just going to hire one and go!

Thanks for the heads up

You're fine with a trailer up to 750Kg

Minimum age

Motor vehicles with a MAM of up to 3,500 kg, no more than eight passenger seats, with or without a trailer - weighing no more than 750 kg

As category B but with a trailer weighing more than 750 kg. The total weight of the vehicle and the trailer together can’t weigh more than 3,500 kg. The weight of the trailer, when fully loaded, can’t weigh more than the unladen weight of the vehicle

B auto
As category B with automatic transmission

As category B but with a heavier trailer that isn't covered in the descriptions for category B


I don't know what the difference is between B and B though.

phelpsa - 15/4/10 at 08:44 AM

I'm hoping to do mine soon to take some of the load of my dad driving to events. Good luck!

Danozeman - 15/4/10 at 08:49 AM

Did mine last year. Easy peasy. The worse bit is remembering to drive correctly. I had 2 hours training and then the test.

[Edited on 15/4/10 by Danozeman]

ChrisW - 15/4/10 at 08:51 AM

Originally posted by blakep82
you're very much restriced if you pass after 1997.

Tell me about it! I passed in 1997 and am one of the first to have the restrictions.

I am hoping to do the test soon so this intrigued me:

Originally posted by Davegtst
One bit a lot of people fail on is when you have to disconect the trailer, drive off then reverse back and reconect it without moving the trailer.

I've got a (factory fitted) camera in the boot handle of my Audi which comes on when I reverse. Makes is dead easy to hook up trailers. Would that be classed as cheating?


iDENTITi - 15/4/10 at 11:27 AM

So uh, sorry to hijack a little bit, but does this mean I can't tow the kit around on a trailer? I'm about to take my test next month...