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BMW Health Check
mistergrumpy - 1/10/10 at 04:56 PM

Just after a concesus on what I think is BMW trying it on.
A mate's wife took her Mini Cooper in to BMW fro a free "health check" and this is what they returned.
1. O/S Engine mount leaking £185
2. Dirty brake fluid £80
3. Coolant requires changing due to service interval (or words to that effect) around £60

Now I'll accept the engine mount as I believe it's a common problem but will do the work myself.
Dirty brake fluid? The car is 2.5 years old and I believe the recommended interval is around 2 years for changing it due to hygroscopic issues but to say it's dirty and needs changing?
Coolant? What can I say. Possibly recommended but not a necessity when there's no issues.

I think they're trying their luck a little bit as she's a tidy little blonde girl who knows less than nowt about cars.
What's the concensus?

chrsgrain - 1/10/10 at 05:03 PM

The only way anything like that can be free is if they find things to get people to pay for.....

On the other hand all the stuff sounds like its legitimate if things are done by the main dealer 'book'.


Guinness - 1/10/10 at 06:44 PM

Where do you get the car serviced?

I would have thought all of these items (apart from the engine mount) would be on the service schedule.

If you are getting it serviced regularly, then check the book?

fesycresy - 1/10/10 at 07:04 PM

My local BMW dealer always try to spin off work.

Mine went in for a brake fluid change and they found over £1,000 of extras

My local garage (company car so no need for me to do it) did all the work for £400.

Simon - 1/10/10 at 08:27 PM

Well, if you get fooled that they are a good brand.....

They have even dragged Rolls down to their shite level!



adithorp - 1/10/10 at 08:28 PM

Trying it on. They need to cover the cost of reception manager, receptionist, service manager, service adviser, workshop manager, foreman, technician,etc, etc, by drumming up some work for the trainee to do.

mistergrumpy - 1/10/10 at 08:49 PM

Thanks for the replies fellas. Not sure where the car's been serviced previously, she's not had it all that long. I think I'll give them a cursory check but we'll be leaving them alone. There's no problems at the moment and everything feels fine so if it's not broke and all that

stevebubs - 2/10/10 at 01:39 AM

Originally posted by fesycresy
My local BMW dealer always try to spin off work.

Mine went in for a brake fluid change and they found over £1,000 of extras

My local garage (company car so no need for me to do it) did all the work for £400.

I can beat that - when I put my E34 in for a service (day after passing it's MOT), the local stealer managed to "find" £2,500 worth of work..including 2 new Cats....they were told where to go...

[Edited on 2/10/10 by stevebubs]

fesycresy - 2/10/10 at 09:44 AM

Slightly different, but mine had £5,000 of warranty work the week before the warranty ran out

britishtrident - 2/10/10 at 12:20 PM

The coolant used in BMW MINIs is supposed to be a longlife (5 year) OAT coolant but I have heard of cases of it going "off" and turning into an evil smelling brown goop. Only the original BMW coolant should be use unless you can completely flush it out.

If the engine mount is a hydramount clean it and dry properly then use the car for a week and re-examine it for leaks. Ofen oil and muck round the edge of the rubber can be mistaken for a leak.

The MIN has earned a money pit reputation.