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scootz - 8/5/13 at 05:05 PM

Stupid Biker Linky

AndyW - 8/5/13 at 05:11 PM

Got what he deserves. 122mph then trying to lie to cover himself. Idiot....

renetom - 8/5/13 at 05:23 PM

I agree very stupid
but shows big brother is watching you , every which way.

sdh2903 - 8/5/13 at 05:24 PM

You show me a biker who doesn't break the speed limit and i'll show my arse

The lying afterwards on a public forum is v stupid and is a lesson to anyone who goes on internet forums to boast about what speed they get to. If you choose to speed you accept the consequences.

iank - 8/5/13 at 05:37 PM

Speeding is usually points, fine and sometimes a ban
Perverting the course of justice is almost always jail time

He was probably reported by the forum owner or another member rather than any big brother technology.

Daddylonglegs - 8/5/13 at 06:11 PM

Spent most of my life on bikes, sold my last one just over a year ago for various reasons, one of which was tw*ts like that who give every biker a bad name. Had some knobo came through the village 2 days ago doing at least 70mph, and it's a 30 going into a 40 limit! lucky for him I wasn't pulling out of our drive at the time!!

Rant over

perksy - 8/5/13 at 06:15 PM

Hmmm interesting they used his forum comments as evidence, Have seen this done before and i think the lad was on the Honda Civic forum.

Be careful what you post, Big brother is watching

Agreed it was a Daft speed

The 'A' road up the road from us is like the Isle on man on a Sunday morning

[Edited on 8/5/13 by perksy]

dave_424 - 8/5/13 at 06:28 PM

Originally posted by perksy
Hmmm interesting they used his forum comments as evidence, Have seen this done before and i think the lad was on the Honda Civic forum.

Be careful what you post, Big brother is watching

Agreed it was a Daft speed

The 'A' road up the road from us is like the Isle on man on a Sunday morning

[Edited on 8/5/13 by perksy]

Talking about the road near craven arms? notorious for speeding bikes trying to do some king of race between two cafe's. My brother lives along that road and from his house you can hear bikes entering one of the nearby corners, very common to not hear them accelerate out the other end.

fesycresy - 8/5/13 at 06:43 PM

Yes you're right it was a Civic forum, you'll even find a link on here somewhere.

They used his posts as evidence that he was an ar5e and he was capable of driving like a twat.

Originally posted by perksy
Hmmm interesting they used his forum comments as evidence, Have seen this done before and i think the lad was on the Honda Civic forum.

[Edited on 8/5/13 by perksy]

coyoteboy - 8/5/13 at 06:52 PM

Let's be honest, it's not really big brother is it, it's just natural progression from listening to intelligence from the community. Any cop who ignored an info source like that wouldn't be doing their job properly these days, it's the modern equivalent to asking about the neighborhood to see if anyone saw anything.

scootz - 8/5/13 at 06:57 PM

Originally posted by coyoteboy
Let's be honest, it's not really big brother is it, it's just natural progression from listening to intelligence from the community. Any cop who ignored an info source like that wouldn't be doing their job properly these days, it's the modern equivalent to asking about the neighborhood to see if anyone saw anything.

Pretty much sums it up... I'd imagine there's a few traffic cops who scour the petrol-forums as part of their daily working routines!

perksy - 8/5/13 at 07:11 PM

Talking about the road near craven arms? notorious for speeding bikes trying to do some king of race between two cafe's. My brother lives along that road and from his house you can hear bikes entering one of the nearby corners, very common to not hear them accelerate out the other end.

No not that one, but funny you should mention the Craven Arms road as i've been on it and know exactly what you mean

Another one is the Bridgenorth to Stourbridge road as the lads on the bikes meet there on a Sunday morning before going into Wales

cps13 - 8/5/13 at 09:04 PM

Another accurate news report... "Motorcyclist Andrew Kelly jailed over 122mph ride"... was he really BBC?!

I think they should have sentenced him to 8 months under the "being a complete tool" law. They do exist right?

Thailoz - 8/5/13 at 11:03 PM

We all love the thrill of speed .....if we didn’t we would all be driving around in shopping trollies not making our own sports cars.

But there is a time and place for speed and now in the UK you are lucky with over 500 trackdays a year.

If we feel the need for speed and take a chance on the roads then if we get caught we should just man up and take the rap.

Over here there are few track days but also there are some awesome driving roads and if you get caught you can get away with giving the cops tea money.

But due to again stupid people they are now stiffening up the law so we shall see.

hughpinder - 9/5/13 at 06:41 AM

The police definately use the forums to get information on all sorts of crime. I know that a significant number of banned drivers around here get caught driving because a: the police know who has been banned and b: they post pictures of their 'new motor' online, thus causing a police patrol to loiter close to their residence........


EX01 - 9/5/13 at 09:03 AM

I recently gave my bike up, mostly due to the wife nagging about our first born being due but I have to say that without doubt the roads have changed so much over the last 10 years the modern sports bike has no place.
It is too busy even at 5am, there are too many plod making money for shooting you with a camera for their force, I decided it is just pointless to own a fast bike anymore.
(And plod do keep the money from your speed awareness course there is just clever accounting in the background that allows them to claim they don’t – fact!)

I also agree there is a time and place for speed, but also the hate in this thread generalising bikers is not something I would have expected from these forums, and I would also point out how easy doing 180 mph is on a bike when quoted book figures for 0-150mph on my last bike is 11 second.

I have ridden the Isle of Man and done Mad Sunday on many occasions and can tell you biking is as close to god as you get both when it’s going right and when it’s going wrong and like anything in life you get some t00sers and some really nice people.

Tell lies to the courts and be a tool and get locked up that’s fine, but why should a biker go to prison just for speeding (As seen in other cases) while the crack head who mugs and rapes an old woman for £5 gets a couple of hours of community service?
What about the countless loons who literally use their cars as attack weapons every morning I drive to work, that cause the countless crashes/death that I see on my hour on the motorway each way to the office?
I bet we are all guilty of that at some point yet I don’t see a witch hunt for them?

scootz - 9/5/13 at 09:26 AM

Originally posted by EX01
(And plod do keep the money from your speed awareness course there is just clever accounting in the background that allows them to claim they don’t – fact!)

Usually when someone ends their point with 'fact', I automatically think 'fiction'!

But anyway... so what if they do! What do you think they do with it? Split it up and spend it on the shift night out? I'd imagine that if the poilice do retain it, then it will be used for business matters - perhaps for even improving their speeding awareness courses!

PS - Most people who ride sportsbikes ride like tw*ts (dare I say 'fact'!). I know as I used to ride sportsbikes and I occasionally rode like a tw*t... and all my sportsbike riding mates occasionally rode like tw*ts... and the random sportsbike riding folks I met at meets occasionally rode like tw*ts!

It's just not possible to own a sportsbike and not occasionally ride like a complete and utter tw*t-loon-kamikaze-spaceball! It's why I gave them up...

... it's also why I'm thinking of starting again (despite knowing the born-again biker theory more than most).

EX01 - 9/5/13 at 11:01 AM

Originally posted by scootz
Originally posted by EX01
(And plod do keep the money from your speed awareness course there is just clever accounting in the background that allows them to claim they don’t – fact!)

Usually when someone ends their point with 'fact', I automatically think 'fiction'!

But anyway... so what if they do! What do you think they do with it? Split it up and spend it on the shift night out? I'd imagine that if the poilice do retain it, then it will be used for business matters - perhaps for even improving their speeding awareness courses!

PS - Most people who ride sportsbikes ride like tw*ts (dare I say 'fact'!). I know as I used to ride sportsbikes and I occasionally rode like a tw*t... and all my sportsbike riding mates occasionally rode like tw*ts... and the random sportsbike riding folks I met at meets occasionally rode like tw*ts!

It's just not possible to own a sportsbike and not occasionally ride like a complete and utter tw*t-loon-kamikaze-spaceball! It's why I gave them up...

... it's also why I'm thinking of starting again (despite knowing the born-again biker theory more than most).

The plod keeping the money was an indulgence I should have avoided, the point in detail for that comment was yes they keep the money and this makes the whole process about KPI and not about public safety which is how them catching people speeding is portrayed.
When performance counters are involved it generally becomes about the figures and not what it should be about, saving lives.

And I agree allot of riders are tw*ts but not the majority and I don’t think riding at 90% of your skill level in correct conditions is being a tw*t even if it is over the speed limit by some margin, you pays your money you take your chances.

coyoteboy - 9/5/13 at 11:55 AM


And I agree allot of riders are tw*ts but not the majority and I don’t think riding at 90% of your skill level in correct conditions is being a tw*t even if it is over the speed limit by some margin, you pays your money you take your chances.

I guess the point is that riding at 90% of your skill level might put requirements on other people that put them outside the generally expected requirements and you're paying your money and other people are having their chances slashed, not just the rider.

There are countless hundred of situations where you pushing your limit (and speeding) puts others at greater risk of injury even if you can handle the road. You might call that them making a bad decision, but if they're not expecting to have to make a 70mph decision in a 40 zone the blame rests with the person causing the situation to be outside expected parameters.

coyoteboy - 9/5/13 at 11:58 AM


Tell lies to the courts and be a tool and get locked up that’s fine, but why should a biker go to prison just for speeding (As seen in other cases) while the crack head who mugs and rapes an old woman for £5 gets a couple of hours of community service?

Because speeding (especially excessively) is deliberately risking the lives of everyone around you. Whether a rapist gets a different sentence is unimportant and pointless discussion - if you feel strongly that those penalties for that crime are wrong go and argue that with your MP. Riding like an idiot on public roads is tantamount to running about playing army with real weapons - might be good fun and you're aiming at tin cans and not people, but you're still risking killing people by your stupid games in a public place.

EX01 - 9/5/13 at 12:49 PM

Originally posted by coyoteboy

Tell lies to the courts and be a tool and get locked up that’s fine, but why should a biker go to prison just for speeding (As seen in other cases) while the crack head who mugs and rapes an old woman for £5 gets a couple of hours of community service?

Because speeding (especially excessively) is deliberately risking the lives of everyone around you. Whether a rapist gets a different sentence is unimportant and pointless discussion - if you feel strongly that those penalties for that crime are wrong go and argue that with your MP. Riding like an idiot on public roads is tantamount to running about playing army with real weapons - might be good fun and you're aiming at tin cans and not people, but you're still risking killing people by your stupid games in a public place.

So you either didn’t read what I wrote or I badly worded it either way your way you come across quite aggressive.
There will always be two opinions on this topic, I don’t want to change your opinion or say you’re wrong your idea of riding fast might be quite different to mine.
I find it odd though so much rage over a speeding biker and yet I see FAR worse and FAR more dangerous things countless times every day twice a day as I drive along the motorway that endangers dozens of lives and yet I don’t see any hate or post about that.

scootz - 9/5/13 at 12:55 PM

Don't think there's much rage about him speeding...

certainly not from me anyway... I only posted up the link to show what a nobber he was for boasting about it, getting himself caught and then breaking a 'jail-time' law in some pathetic attempt to get himself off what would have been a fairly minor offence!

jeffw - 9/5/13 at 01:13 PM


EX01 - 9/5/13 at 01:23 PM

Originally posted by scootz
Don't think there's much rage about him speeding...

certainly not from me anyway... I only posted up the link to show what a nobber he was for boasting about it, getting himself caught and then breaking a 'jail-time' law in some pathetic attempt to get himself off what would have been a fairly minor offence!

Yer and like I said I agree with what you put, what I notice happens on the net is you post summin, sometimes you get a good chat, then after 2-4 post some one comes along half reads the thread and half reads the post, then replies to what they think has been said.

I agreed with you the dude was a knob, I just dont think speeding by large amounts alone makes you a knob, heck arent these boards all about low weight high power cars? ;-)

coyoteboy - 9/5/13 at 07:53 PM

Sorry EX01, I re read your posts and it still comes across as "I don't condone speeding but....excuses..... he did it too". If I come across as aggressive it is because I'm sick of road users driving dangerously when I'm around, be they on a bike, in a car, in a bus. I wouldn't say any group was worse per se, but bikers are the only group I've heard discussing cutting people up as making room for themselves and claiming they are better than other road users because they are vulnerable and have to be, yet the stats suggest otherwise. I'm all for any road vehicle used sensibly. if you want to drive like a fool do it on a track or closed road is my only point. I don't care if anyone else is more or less vilified.

[Edited on 9/5/13 by coyoteboy]

EX01 - 10/5/13 at 07:11 AM

Originally posted by coyoteboy
Sorry EX01, I re read your posts and it still comes across as "I don't condone speeding but....excuses..... he did it too". If I come across as aggressive it is because I'm sick of road users driving dangerously when I'm around, be they on a bike, in a car, in a bus. I wouldn't say any group was worse per se, but bikers are the only group I've heard discussing cutting people up as making room for themselves and claiming they are better than other road users because they are vulnerable and have to be, yet the stats suggest otherwise. I'm all for any road vehicle used sensibly. if you want to drive like a fool do it on a track or closed road is my only point. I don't care if anyone else is more or less vilified.

[Edited on 9/5/13 by coyoteboy]

Fair play it's probably more my poor wording, and I say again I agree when there are other people you can effect speeding is not cool and I don’t agree with it.
If I wanted to wrap myself up in cotten wool and not live a little before I die then I would and some people do and choose too that's fine as well in my book.
Everyone is different, in 20 years of enjoying myself on the the road I have never harmed anyone, never crashed and have a clean licence but some would call me a fool.

MikeRJ - 10/5/13 at 09:14 AM

Originally posted by coyoteboy
If I come across as aggressive it is because I'm sick of road users driving dangerously when I'm around,

Speed is not the life threatening event you appear to think it is unless it's inappropriate for the conditions. People regularly do those sort of speeds without killing anyone, they just choose the time and place to do it.

As others have said, there are numerous other instances of bad driving that should be stamped down on, people driving whilst texting, people driving on drink/drugs, aggressive behavior etc.

Personally I'd far rather someone do 122mph on big open road than 50mph around a housing estate.