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boring boring
02GF74 - 3/11/15 at 07:16 PM

Went last friday to volvo dealer for headlamp wiper blaxes and of the 20+ cars for sale, over half were either white or black, the rest were gdey or silver, one red and one blue. Thought it is volvo drivers that are boring, but on the m40 was surrounded for a while by monichrome cars, lots of them being, mb, bwm or audi..

Why has it come to this???

I salute the orange focus rs drivers.

anthony1 - 3/11/15 at 07:36 PM

My wife has just bought a new Citroen Cactus.........the sales person was shocked when my wife said she wanted either Hello Yellow or Blue complements my Kawasaki green MK very nicely!!!!! 99% of cars are so boring colour wise.......

SteveWalker - 3/11/15 at 11:31 PM

I remember going caravanning with my parents many years ago and someone my dad worked with walked across the field and said to my dad, "I thought it must be you. No one else would choose that shade of yellow." As it happens, he hadn't chosen it, but was just offered that or a longer wait for another colour.

monkeyarms - 4/11/15 at 02:15 AM

Maybe thats the colours most new buyer want?

I personaly think most people pick their new car colour based on resale value, so go for a conservative colour that wont offend buyers. Which is crazy i think!

ravingfool - 4/11/15 at 11:00 AM

Originally posted by monkeyarms
Maybe thats the colours most new buyer want?

I personaly think most people pick their new car colour based on resale value, so go for a conservative colour that wont offend buyers. Which is crazy i think!

I presumed that it was more hire or company car places making 'logical' decisions like that because surely the venn diagram of people worried about resale value and people who buy brand new cars can't have a very big overlap?!

Charlie_Zetec - 4/11/15 at 11:24 AM

Tangiers Orange Defender 90 for me! Non-metallic, but incredibly bright. Stuff resale value!

Mr Whippy - 4/11/15 at 12:15 PM

you do see a few cars now with better colours but the last few years it's been horrendous. Seen a few car with actual gray just like shiny primer! who want's that as their car colour?!?!? that's worse than turd brown

[Edited on 4/11/15 by Mr Whippy]

WallerZero - 4/11/15 at 02:01 PM

I think they need some contrasting or bright colour to break it up. Stick some bring orange arch trim or grilles on them

Furyous - 5/11/15 at 09:18 AM

A lot of cars (maybe most?) are on lease these days. The leasing companies don't want to shell out for colours that they can't lease and can't sell. I think they tend to charge more for unpopular colours for that reason.

mazie - 5/11/15 at 09:23 AM

im one of the guilty who decided on 'primer grey' someone at work asked me when i'm getting the colour coat done! she was serious too!

motorcycle_mayhem - 5/11/15 at 10:40 AM

I've noticed this colour monotony for quite a while. Everything is grey, like the weather, the country and the people.

Since money and greed drives everything, it must simply be that it's the resale that concerns people. Tied with that (i.e. resale) is the wanting to 'fit in' with the expectations of others.

Slimy38 - 5/11/15 at 10:48 AM

There are still some nice coloured cars, although they are extremely few and far between. Citroen and Peugeot really stand out though, some of their current colours are simply stunning. There is a beautiful metallic dark red on the market that I've seen quite a few times, I think it's a Citroen colour.

When I ordered my C class lease car, I had the choice of grey, grey, grey or quite a nice deep blue. The blue was a six month wait time, the light grey I ended up with was available in two weeks.

Mr Whippy - 5/11/15 at 11:05 AM

Originally posted by Slimy38

. There is a beautiful metallic dark red on the market that I've seen quite a few times, I think it's a Citroen colour.

Yeah I have seen that too, a stunning deep candy red maybe pearlescent but it looked fab. Peugeot was also doing something similar which was very deep candy red in the sun

[Edited on 5/11/15 by Mr Whippy]

SJ - 5/11/15 at 01:43 PM

There aren't enough beige and brown cars these days.

mcerd1 - 5/11/15 at 03:03 PM

My aunt had a fiat 500 hire car the other day, it was bright yellow with an electric blue interior
Not boring, but not a combination that I'd have picked and I'm colour blind!

My current tintop is a fairly boring dark metallic grey, but I don't think its any more boring than the light metalic blue focus it replaced, or the silver 106 before that (colour wasn't high on the priority list, but I've never had a car less than 6 years old so you can't be too fussy)
Mind you my first car was Oyster Gold with chrome bumpers - that kind of stood out a bit in 2001, but I guess even that was quite common in 1979 when it was new

[Edited on 5/11/2015 by mcerd1]

pekwah1 - 18/11/15 at 01:07 PM

Well i'm going to be the annoying one.

Black is by far one of the best car colours! Suits so many, just think it gives a great finish to a half decent car, but it's weird as it really depends on which car it's on to how good it looks, some cars just warrant a brighter colour.

For example, when buying an s2000 recently, we looked at a number of cars/colours, by far the worst was the black, didn't suit the car at all IMO, and we ended up with a blue one!

Horses for courses, but i think that the 'boring' colours do tend to just look good!

loggyboy - 18/11/15 at 01:34 PM

I suspect a good 60-70% of drivers have no desire for a specific colour, as long as its not something odd. So 'non' colours tick that box.
Just over 50% of new cars are fleet, so most co's will take non colours for whatever reason.
The bonus is it makes us private users who like there cars to be different a little easier to stand out from the crowd!

pekwah1 - 18/11/15 at 01:36 PM

Well company fleet operators also like a bargain, which is why our 50+ engineers ended up in bright red insignias because they were cheaper as less people wanted them and non-metallic paint!

On another note, i hate red cars (ferrari permitting of course)

CNHSS1 - 18/11/15 at 02:06 PM

Earlier this year i ordered a new 5 series touring. Id originally wanted a 330 touring and fell for the blue metallic but was saddened to find that they dont do it in the 5 series :-(
When i looked at the colour charts, similar to an earleir posters experience with mercs, 10 shades of silver and grey, 3 of black ??!! And two white and a shi**y brown bronze colour. In the end i ordered white as it looked by far the nicest imho and bugger me if it wasnt 600 quid cheaper to boot!

We have black and white cars on the fleet now, all chosen by us or staff coz they looked better than the naff other colours. Funny old world eh?