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Mapping at Noble Motorsport tomorrow
daveb666 - 20/9/13 at 07:05 PM

Finally finished fittng my throttle bodies and getting all my wiring sorted on my locost.

Have booked in at Noble Motorsport for mapping next week so taking the car down tomorrow so that they can also do me a decent cold start map as well.

Always took my old cars to Noble (astra XE on TBS and a corsaxXE on TBS) so know they do a great job.

When I rang up earlier the chap even remembered me, and my previous cars even thoughI hhaven't spokem to them in over four years!

Really really excited now, can't wait to get back behind the wheel next weekend with its new angry bark :-) bwarp lol

40inches - 20/9/13 at 07:48 PM

Originally posted by daveb666
Finally finished fittng my throttle bodies and getting all my wiring sorted on my locost.

Have booked in at Noble Motorsport for mapping next week so taking the car down tomorrow so that they can also do me a decent cold start map as well.

Always took my old cars to Noble (astra XE on TBS and a corsaxXE on TBS) so know they do a great job.

When I rang up earlier the chap even remembered me, and my previous cars even thoughI hhaven't spokem to them in over four years!

Really really excited now, can't wait to get back behind the wheel next weekend with its new angry bark :-) bwarp lol

In Chesterfield? You will virtually pass my house, pop in for a Coffee and a chat?

daveb666 - 20/9/13 at 08:36 PM

Yep that's it mate! Bit rushed tomorrow as ImborrowiNg my bosses truck and trailer but I can pop in next Sat if you're about?

40inches - 20/9/13 at 08:50 PM

Will be

Cadburys Man - 2/10/13 at 11:45 AM

Originally posted by 40inches
Originally posted by daveb666
Finally finished fittng my throttle bodies and getting all my wiring sorted on my locost.

Have booked in at Noble Motorsport for mapping next week so taking the car down tomorrow so that they can also do me a decent cold start map as well.

Always took my old cars to Noble (astra XE on TBS and a corsaxXE on TBS) so know they do a great job.

When I rang up earlier the chap even remembered me, and my previous cars even thoughI hhaven't spokem to them in over four years!

Really really excited now, can't wait to get back behind the wheel next weekend with its new angry bark :-) bwarp lol

In Chesterfield? You will virtually pass my house, pop in for a Coffee and a chat?

Ahhh someone else from Chesterfield, i thought i was on my own lol, where abouts are u from? U2U me if u like

Apologies for jumping on your thread Dave :-/

Cadburys Man - 2/10/13 at 11:51 AM

Originally posted by 40inches
Originally posted by daveb666
Finally finished fittng my throttle bodies and getting all my wiring sorted on my locost.

Have booked in at Noble Motorsport for mapping next week so taking the car down tomorrow so that they can also do me a decent cold start map as well.

Always took my old cars to Noble (astra XE on TBS and a corsaxXE on TBS) so know they do a great job.

When I rang up earlier the chap even remembered me, and my previous cars even thoughI hhaven't spokem to them in over four years!

Really really excited now, can't wait to get back behind the wheel next weekend with its new angry bark :-) bwarp lol

In Chesterfield? You will virtually pass my house, pop in for a Coffee and a chat?

Ahhh someone else from Chesterfield, i thought i was on my own lol, where abouts are u from? U2U me if u like

Apologies for jumping on your thread Dave :-/

r1_pete - 2/10/13 at 12:47 PM

Another Chesterfield, well work in Chesterfield resident here, pass Dave's daily, and have been known to call in....

Back to original post, how did the mappimng go at Nobles? I'll be looking to get the jag done once converted and megasquirted....

daveb666 - 2/10/13 at 01:51 PM

Good! 167.2bhp/142.2 ft/lbs so well happy with that on, apart from the TBs, a totally standard engine.

Will do a proper post later on