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10pm Channel 4 Flying Car Documentary
nitram38 - 20/10/09 at 08:53 PM

cloudy - 20/10/09 at 09:01 PM


Andybarbet - 20/10/09 at 09:21 PM

That is chuffing amazing !

Im well impressed

madteg - 20/10/09 at 09:36 PM

Fantastic, that bloke has some big Kahonies.

Fozzie - 20/10/09 at 10:51 PM

Watching it now on +1......


iscmatt - 20/10/09 at 11:15 PM

think i'm going to have to go for the Demand version!

speedyxjs - 21/10/09 at 06:07 AM

I watched it last night. Looked great but i hope they can improve the car. They struggled to get it off the ground so i dont think any 'unexperienced' person would be able to very easily.

Fantastic car though

tomgregory2000 - 21/10/09 at 07:31 AM

i thought it was rubbish, it couldnt do what they wanted it to do, carry 2 people.
and it looked very hard to control and the price of £35K, having a laugh

eznfrank - 21/10/09 at 07:57 AM

Did they manage to finish the journey? I was in a hotel watching it but had been up since 4am and fell asleep before the end.

I don't think I'd fancy trying to land a pretty much un-tested car/plane in that heli-port!!

Memphis Twin - 21/10/09 at 08:46 AM

Total crap. Strapping a sand-rail beneath a hang glider wing does not a flying car make.....
Pissed myself laughing though.

bmseven - 21/10/09 at 02:32 PM

All a bit Heath Robinson saw his previous program with Bear Grylls trying to fly over Everest
Same problems finished building the engine the day before "dont worry we can test it when we get there"

LBMEFM - 21/10/09 at 03:06 PM

I thought they were both a pair of tossers and that project has not got a cat in hells chance of being a commercial success. I'm out

adithorp - 21/10/09 at 03:09 PM

Originally posted by bmseven
All a bit Heath Robinson saw his previous program with Bear Grylls trying to fly over Everest
Same problems finished building the engine the day before "dont worry we can test it when we get there"

Yep, thats the same guy. In testing for that they sat in a freezer, strapped to thier machines and with a huge fan blowing, to see if they could survive. Problem was he forgot to put any anti-freeze in the engines and buggered them both up!

splitrivet - 21/10/09 at 03:19 PM

It didnt do much flying, It reminded my of that old movie Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines when the Jap guy turned up late and the reporter asked him if he'd flown all the way from Yokohama, turned out he'd flown the last mile.
Old major whoever he was seemed a right pillock, as for Bear Gryllis last time the b@stard came our house he ate my grandaughters Hamster.

[Edited on 21/10/09 by splitrivet]

[Edited on 21/10/09 by splitrivet]

Fozzie - 21/10/09 at 03:36 PM

Glad I wasn't the only one who thought...'yeah and.....'???

Mind, it is now obvious that if he has owt to do with Bear Grylls it has gotta be well dodgy


Ninehigh - 21/10/09 at 08:59 PM

So what was the programme called? Shall have to look it up on the "on demand" thingy but I'm sure I'll have no luck searching for "Flying car documentary"

Hellfire - 21/10/09 at 09:18 PM

Had to laugh when they were sweeping the sand out of the footwells in preparation for a two person flight (which BTW was unsuccessful) to try and keep the weight down.

Those big Cobra seats must have been about 20kg apiece They could learn some useful tips on adding lightness and other useful stuff if they joined Locostbuilders

Also laughed when the designer spat his dummy out and told the film crew to "stop filming" when someone pointed out his crap engineering.

The guy flying it was a pilot and had it not been for the small miracle whilst he was attempting to cross the Straits of Gibraltar, the car would now be at the bottom of the sea.

Pointless and useless
