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Do any Stud Finders actually work OK?
John P - 29/1/11 at 10:00 AM

About a year ago I bought a cheapish own brand stud-finder from B&Q but it's virtually useless. If you look for a stud it beeps at one point but then if you try it again in the same location you get a totally different response.

It also supposedly finds burried cables but again I've found it so vague that I can't rely on the results which can be a bit un-nerving when drill into a wall blind. (Obviously I wouldn't drill immediately over or to the side of a known fitting).

Are there any sensibly priced units that anyone can recommend?


loggyboy - 29/1/11 at 10:13 AM

I have a BnQ one, lil black triangle, works pefectly for me.

BenB - 29/1/11 at 10:27 AM

I have a cheapo Ebay special with a big metal hoop on the end. Works nicely. Even has a row of LEDs on the end so you can see the thing getting "closer".

tegwin - 29/1/11 at 10:36 AM

I find a nuckle tapped on the wall is a good way of getting close.... then use a small screwdriver to push through the plasterboard until you pinpoint the exact location of the stud... You will need some polyfiller however :p

Theshed - 29/1/11 at 10:40 AM

In relation to knuckle rapping ....I am told by a female friend that something called a "rampant rabbit" is the proper tool for the job......

HowardB - 29/1/11 at 10:45 AM

my female friend tells me the rampant rabbit is instead of a stud, not to find one!

mad4x4 - 29/1/11 at 12:14 PM

We have a cheapish one and it works reasonably - need to read the instructions. But yeah seems to work. Think ours is Champion make - ??ARGOS??

ruskino80 - 29/1/11 at 12:23 PM

just did a nice cold mains water repair yesterday after my customer drilled clean into the pipe after having used one of these finder gadgets.he now has a large hole in his recently tiled cloakroom wall a nice bill from me and the tiler booked to sort it out!!

John P - 29/1/11 at 03:03 PM

Been looking on-line and most seem to get a pretty poor revue. Have seen some suggestions the Ryobi SW109TL may be OK. Anyone used one of these?

Peteff - 29/1/11 at 05:10 PM

Originally posted by ruskino80
just did a nice cold mains water repair yesterday after my customer drilled clean into the pipe after having used one of these finder gadgets.he now has a large hole in his recently tiled cloakroom wall a nice bill from me and the tiler booked to sort it out!!

His worked then

Ninehigh - 29/1/11 at 07:41 PM

Mine doesn't work because it just goes off in the presence of me

Can't believe no-one's said that yet!

MikeR - 29/1/11 at 11:23 PM

i've seen a bosch one that appears to work well, about 50 quid on ebay so not cheap.