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Which art package?
Daddylonglegs - 7/2/14 at 09:52 PM

I use Corel Draw Designer 12 on my work laptop, but would like to get a home package for my personal use. I am just getting started and manageing to get some pretty pleasing results with 3D effects, shadows and fancy text etc.

Any recommendations?


Irony - 7/2/14 at 10:16 PM

What do you want to do with this package? I didn't think anyone used Corel draw these days?

Daddylonglegs - 7/2/14 at 11:31 PM

My work do!! Figures that they are behind the times then.

At the minute I'm just learning, but I want to be able to render decent 3D effects in text etc. as well as creating quality graphics and transparent objects, mainkly .png and .bmp I guess.

I want to use a decent tool to get competent with a view to maybe earning some extra cash with graphic design etc. I don't want to make a living out of it, just be capable of producing reasonable stuff without spending £100s on a package.

Duncan36 - 8/2/14 at 12:44 AM

I grew up using Corel and still use it occasionally at work, but most of our work is done in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop these days. For basic vectors and creating files for cutting vinyl, Corel is still a great program to use.

Irony - 8/2/14 at 11:14 AM

We use illustrator and Photoshop. There pretty muchindustry standards.