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Looking forward to brands this weekend.
bi22le - 25/4/13 at 06:41 AM

After missing out on going last year I am really looking forward to going this year. Ill be bringing the striker down to introduce it to its racing pedigree.

Ill get around the pits and say hi to anybody with cars I recognise.

Any one need a pitman or fancy chatting over a coffee then give me a shout.

amalyos - 25/4/13 at 06:52 AM

Come and say hello, I'm racing in the RGB, class F, car 13 this year (red MNR)!!

Hopefully it'll be drier than last year.


withersdelivers - 25/4/13 at 07:05 AM

Was meant to be going , but a wedding has stopped me grrrr . Have fun chaps!!! :-(

olimarler - 25/4/13 at 02:35 PM

if the weather is good will be bringing my boy down!!
Looks like it should be a great day out!


bi22le - 27/4/13 at 12:11 PM

Bit windy but otherwise perfect. Crisp clean air and dry.

I was late getting here but the time table has slipped so the first race is just about to start.