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Invite to event at turbocharger factory
henryc - 1/5/13 at 08:12 PM

Hello All,

I run a charity event every year called Interesting Vehicles Day where I work (Cummins Turbo Technologies in Huddersfield) and was wondering if anybody would be interested in bringing their interesting vehicle?? It's invite only (as the site is strict on security), and places are limited so we are looking for unique vehicles (we have a few sevens and my Pheonix already). If interested, please drop me a line - the event is on 10th July (yes, a Wednesday) and runs from 10.30am to 1pm.

Other vehicles on show have previously ranged from push bikes to Schumacher's Bennetton F1 car so it's a great event for petrol heads, but unfortunately not possible to be open to the general public (unless invited with a vehicle). A short tour of the facilities (it's the worldwide headquarters of Holset turbochargers) should be possible afterwards, depending on how the day goes.



owelly - 1/5/13 at 08:25 PM

I'd be really interested in a factory tour (I've rebuilt a few Napiers!) but the best I could bring would be a County 4x4 Transit Ambulance or my Tupperware Turd! In return, I could arrange a tour of a high security RAF Radar base and power station!

nick205 - 1/5/13 at 09:21 PM

I'm supposing a (turbo charged) diesel Passat estate isn't going to cut it right?

MsD - 1/5/13 at 09:44 PM

How about the last mk1 Focus RS off the production line?

bi22le - 1/5/13 at 09:49 PM

I contact littlebrook power station recently as me and the wife would love to go for a tour around the power plant. Apparently its schools and youth groups only.

We are both professional engineers and live in the shadows of the chimneys. Shame really.

Poorscousertommy - 2/5/13 at 05:26 AM

I've been meaning to catch up with you Mr C - ill be bringing mine once it's built - so in about three years time!! I work at holset and it was this very day that inspired me to take the plunge after someone told me they could build a car for £250

Mark S

tegwin - 2/5/13 at 09:02 AM

Originally posted by bi22le
I contact littlebrook power station recently as me and the wife would love to go for a tour around the power plant. Apparently its schools and youth groups only.

We are both professional engineers and live in the shadows of the chimneys. Shame really.

Find a local youthgroup, give an hour lecture on how amazing being an Engineer is and organise a tour... If the BBC can do it with North Korea I don't see why you can't do it for a power station

henryc - 8/5/13 at 07:10 PM

Thanks for your replies folks:

Diesel Passat - thanks for the offer, but as you say, only serious VW fans would appreciate

Converted Ambulance - certainly interesting, will U2U

Focus RS mk1 - think we may already have an RS on the list, will let you know if we're lacking hot Fords

Always happy to inspire, must definately catch up!
