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Possible to get a quickshifter for a 919 Blade engine?
dmrider_10 - 5/1/17 at 08:58 AM

Being totally new to bike engines, all the quickshifters online seem to be for more modern bikes with proper ECUs etc. Is it possible to use one of these or soemthing cheaper/similar on a 1998 blade engine with carbs? I know ignition just needs to be cut triggered by a pressure/microswitch on the shifter but ia anything available off the shelf?


minitici - 5/1/17 at 09:11 AM

Have a look at the Race Gadgets range of quickshifters.

These can be used on basic coil/CDI ignition systems.

sam919 - 5/1/17 at 10:22 AM

I had a flatshifter expert on my 919 race fury so yes you can get one to fit. The following was the way i integrated it into the car, although the components might have changed since, so maybe useful as a guide.

There's a bit more to it than you suggested, you need to tap into the inlet manifold to provide a vacuum for the throttle blip function/ solenoid, you need to fit the throttle blip solenoid onto the linkage preferably in the middle for equal load each side of it. Also as you have mentioned a pressure switch inline of the gearlinkage, make sure you have as little play as possible so avoid rose joints etc.

Of course this might not be the way you feel it should be done but it worked in conjunction with the 919 i had fitted for all its race life. You may....want to fit a xoombox, which is a closed loop system as appose to the above which is an open loop. The difference in a nutshell is the open loop makes a gear change based on the drivers input and a switch irrespective of the position of all the components inline to the gears.....the majority of the times it changes gears it works, the times it doesnt it will potentially cause damage somewhere along the line. The closed loop makes its change based on measuring the position of all the components inline with potentiometers or micro switches to the gears so if something isnt in the right position it wont change hence it avoids damage. Another bonus of the xoombox is it can be programmed to change gears up for you?!

There's an argument for both but personally with the price of the xoombox/ xtraflatshift being the same or maybe even less than the trickshifter/ open loop systems available, its a better choice.

Hope this helps

Matt21 - 5/1/17 at 12:56 PM

I had a look into it a couple of years back.

Came to the conclusion that it would be a waste of money. I barely have to back off the trottle as it is to change gear, fitting a quickshifter would gain me next to nothing in terms of acceleration. Maybe easier for decellerating if you get one that blips the throttle etc... but just learn how to heal and toe, it's much cheaper.

For the effort installing it, extra weight, stuff to go wrong,'ll gain nothing. Unless you're very seriously racing and need to gain 0.1 seconds a lap or something daft like that

grazo - 24/1/17 at 12:29 PM

All of the Flatshifter products can be fitted to engines, fitted with carbs, fuel injection,CDI ignition, throttle bodies,fly by wire throttles, 4 or 8 injector engines etc , as well as engines fitted with turbo and super chargers.

Mavrik - 18/11/17 at 12:10 AM

Originally posted by dmrider_10
Being totally new to bike engines, all the quickshifters online seem to be for more modern bikes with proper ECUs etc. Is it possible to use one of these or soemthing cheaper/similar on a 1998 blade engine with carbs? I know ignition just needs to be cut triggered by a pressure/microswitch on the shifter but ia anything available off the shelf?


Healtech do a QS for the carbed Blades... I have the Healtech QSE on my RR7 HRC... I know a supplier on the Fireblade forum I'm on can supply them

I'm thinking of doing the same for my MK Indyblade with the RRX lump