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ZX12-R FI Indicator light
the moa 2 - 17/12/06 at 09:36 PM

Ok i am so near to starting the engine and starting to get excited.

I have wired everything up and just need to prime my dry sump system and then im away.

Can anyone help me with working out what the FI Light is telling me:

When i switch the power on the FI Light blinks twice and then goes out is this ok ?

I have been trying to use the self diagnosis yellow wire by earthing it to see if there are any fault codes before i try and start it but what happens is it seems to just blink continuosly after 10 seconds of the wire being grounded.

Hellfire - 17/12/06 at 10:45 PM

There is a list of fault codes in our manual... our Phil will be able to give you the answer tomorrow, probably. He has the manual!


the moa 2 - 17/12/06 at 11:09 PM

Yeah we have downloaded the manuel and i am just trying to read through it now and sometimes it gets a little confusing.

I was hopeing someone was going to tell me everything was alright and reassure me and say that the 2 blinks at the beginning on ignition switch on were normal.

Im gonna have a go at turning it over tommorrow when i get my oil sorted so fingers crossed.

Peteff - 18/12/06 at 12:13 AM

Is it in Spanish?
Sorry, I'll get me coat.

tks - 18/12/06 at 01:27 PM


contact off and grounding that wire...

then contact on and after 1sec releasing that wire should be fault error mode...

1,4sec blink means 10

and a fast blink is one..

together they make a number..

thats the fault code..

anyway thats on my Honda...

easy as..


[Edited on 18/12/06 by tks]

the moa 2 - 18/12/06 at 07:48 PM

Yes it is a spanish "manuel"

Been reading and what you were saying sounds about the same for the ZX Long and Short Blinks which in turn correspond to the fault code.

Too busy at work today so didnt manage to pick any oil up but will get some tommorrow and then give it a go on starting it up.

tks - 18/12/06 at 07:59 PM

i'm sure i can help

i know spanish!

in fact i'm half spanish..

where is that manual!!


p.d. you can also post the part you guess is the most interesting..

or just pdf me 2 pages etc. etc..

come one with the text its easy...

the moa 2 - 19/12/06 at 10:58 PM

Sorry i was joking as i mess spelt the word Manual and "Peteff" made the witty comet.

Anyways no need for the manual she started first time ,boy was i happy i never thought id get all that wiring right first time and was nervous that something was gonna be wrong.

Well hours of work have paid off and i feel well chuffed.

RallyHarry - 19/12/06 at 11:18 PM

So I guess a gratulation is in order then.
Hats of to your hard work.


the moa 2 - 20/12/06 at 08:36 PM

thanks bud !