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Calling Andy Mullins
simoto - 30/6/08 at 01:53 PM

Does anyone know if Andy still frequents this board? I have purchased his part built striker/blade from a third party and have a few questions regarding the status of the build/motor/suspension.
Any help appreciated.
Cheers Si.

Howlor - 30/6/08 at 03:03 PM


Andy is detained at her majestys pleasure for dealing in stolen goods.

mad-butcher - 30/6/08 at 03:43 PM

He's on holiday then, anywhere nice. in the country or by the sea.

mookaloid - 30/6/08 at 04:09 PM

Originally posted by Howlor

Andy is detained at her majestys pleasure for dealing in stolen goods.

that should get him worried

simoto - 30/6/08 at 05:26 PM

Yep, to be fair that has tweaked my wotsit a bit
Anyone else, now i've(hopefully) met the comedians?
Cheers though if this is correct info.
Be kinda stuck if it is

[Edited on 30/6/08 by simoto]

snippy - 30/6/08 at 06:11 PM

I`ve been sending him U2U`s for the last few days with no response and my messages show `not read` regarding some items he has in the `for sale` section. Guess I won`t be bothering now in light of the above
Cue Ebay!

Howlor - 30/6/08 at 07:27 PM

Just send him a U2U I am sure he will only be on holiday. Unfortunately some spouses take a dim view of spending the holiday laying on a beach with your laptop connected to LB's!

MAB - 30/6/08 at 09:57 PM

Yep - hold it there, I can confirm Andy is definately on holiday... given I live round the corner from him and he has definately not been detained at Her Majesty's pleasure! knowing Andy well, he will reply as soon as he is back in approx a weeks time and will be happy to help!


simoto - 1/7/08 at 09:52 AM

Thanks Mark i appreciate that, just want to ask a few questions so i can get this car finished.
Please let him know i will try to keep it brief and stupid q's to a minimum.

MAB - 2/7/08 at 07:03 PM

Will do, and don't worry - I'm confident Andy will help you with any questions you have. It is about the gzillionth Kit car he has either built or nearly built!

Regards, Mark.

simoto - 4/7/08 at 12:42 PM

Thanks pal, sorry just saw this. Getting along swimingly now just money (read, lack of) slowing me down. Still a couple of q's for Andy though.
Regards si

andy_mullin - 7/7/08 at 06:37 AM

Be careful Howler!!!

I'm back, been busy and away getting some sun.


Originally posted by Howlor

Andy is detained at her majestys pleasure for dealing in stolen goods.

andy_mullin - 7/7/08 at 06:46 AM

Hi Simoto,

I'll send you a u2u with my number.



To all that have tried to buy my garage clear out bits, sorry I'll try and catch up this week.



Originally posted by simoto
Thanks pal, sorry just saw this. Getting along swimingly now just money (read, lack of) slowing me down. Still a couple of q's for Andy though.
Regards si