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Can anyone help?
Scuderia_Russ - 4/3/04 at 02:05 PM

Hi all,was reccomended this site by someone on the Formula Student website...I'm trying to get ideas together for my first self build and have read lots of useful bits throughout the site,but it is all geared towards sports cars.Can anyone reccomend any single seater related sites as these are harder to find than rocking horse shit! Thanks.

pbura - 4/3/04 at 02:40 PM

Someone may be able to recommend some F1 sites, but there's a lot more variety here than the number of seats!

Try using the Search button on "Terrapin". There's a book, 'High Speed, Low Cost', by Allan Staniforth, that details how to build a single-seat monococque racer. You'll see that the publisher is a regular poster here.

Best of luck,


sgraber - 4/3/04 at 06:10 PM

If you want some real cool 'out of the box' single seater ideas, take a look at

On the left nav bar it's the image just above the mini and below the kart.


rontyler - 4/3/04 at 10:22 PM

I gotta agree with Pete... the collective knowledge of this group runs WIDE... and, cars are cars and physics is still physics.

Ask the right question and you might be surprised.

cymtriks - 7/3/04 at 04:11 PM

Try searching for "commitee car". This is a website with a design for a very simple VW based mid engined single seater. Don't be put off by the ladder frame concept. The difference between ladder frames and spaceframes is not as great as some would have you think and most kit car spaceframes are actually worse than a decent X braced ladder frame. The La Bala, Meercat and Project LMP sites will give you a lot of free real life build advice and ideas.

Scuderia_Russ - 7/3/04 at 08:24 PM

Excellent,cheers fellas.