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Force LM001 - I want one!
minitici - 24/3/10 at 09:06 AM


Force LM001
Force LM001

Force LM001 front
Force LM001 front

Daddylonglegs - 24/3/10 at 09:22 AM

Yum yum!

Can't ever see me fitting in one of those though

02GF74 - 24/3/10 at 09:49 AM

I like the pedestrian slicing blades fitted to the front and rear!!

ReMan - 24/3/10 at 10:05 AM

Originally posted by 02GF74
I like the pedestrian slicing blades fitted to the front and rear!!

Me too
But apart from them and a FO spoiler at the rear it would IVA no problem

scootz - 24/3/10 at 11:58 AM

Originally posted by 02GF74
I like the pedestrian slicing blades fitted to the front and rear!!

Not too many pedestrians on a Hillclimb route!

stevebubs - 24/3/10 at 02:48 PM

Sorry but I just don't like it

Too messy...

D Beddows - 24/3/10 at 03:35 PM

Nah me neither, I'm sure it's very good but I much prefer the one Mr Zillspeed posted the other day

scootz - 24/3/10 at 03:37 PM

Cockpit just looks ridiculously out of proportion to the rest of the car!

motorcycle_mayhem - 24/3/10 at 04:06 PM

"""Cockpit just looks ridiculously out of proportion to the rest of the car!"""

Yep, it's a Force for the morbidly obese. Normally, things with 'Force' on them are for anorexics...

minitici - 24/3/10 at 04:41 PM

The cockpit has to have an 810mm transverse opening width to comply with MSA sports car regulations.

scootz - 24/3/10 at 04:46 PM

It reminds me of one of those coin-operated kiddies race cars that you see in supermarket foyers!

Ivan - 25/3/10 at 07:28 AM

Must have incredibly short steering arms, looks like about 2" and given the type of caster many racing cars run I wonder how they keep the steering light enough.

I like the look however.

Gakes - 26/3/10 at 06:26 PM

It looks great. Whats the specs?

Rod Ends - 26/3/10 at 10:17 PM

How about a Force SR8 with 2 Hayabusa engines - sounds great

cheapracer - 3/4/10 at 01:30 PM

The start of a crop of Camparo T1 theme cars maybe.