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US KTM build
designer - 17/9/11 at 09:48 PM

Worth a read

RK - 17/9/11 at 11:57 PM

sadly there is no real kit car industry in north america, making finishing things a real challenge. not many turn out looking like that uk based one unfortunately.

designer - 18/9/11 at 07:11 AM

When I was in the US I got the impression that kit cars were thriving.

RK - 18/9/11 at 02:55 PM

If you mean FFR in Massechussetts yes. yes. Otherwise, not at all. FFR is very organised, and you can spend a weekend actually putting a cobra together with other potential buyers, so you know exactly what you're getting into. They even organise the hotel for you. AND if you are in Canada, they know how to get your kit into the country, which is not an easy thing most of the time, as kit cars are banned from this country (Federal Government official line).