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Well, my lump arrived today
coyoteboy - 2/11/11 at 02:03 PM

So I guess I need to start designing the suspension and chassis around it! This is going to be an adventure! Finally decided to go with the Audi 4.2 V8 and will probably mate it to an 012 2WD box. I'm thinking caparo style staggered cockpit arrangement but that'll come out in the initial designs when I put them down on paper.

GRRR - 2/11/11 at 06:58 PM

Cool, nice engine - what CAD will you be using for design work? Or are you using Pen & Paper 2011?!

I'm doing something similar, design-wise.. race ya!

coyoteboy - 2/11/11 at 07:58 PM

SW. I'm currently working on getting my Kinect to work as a 3D scanner to get a model of the engine save me measuring the thing by hand!

eddie99 - 2/11/11 at 08:04 PM

I have a brand new audi transaxle if your interested, Although they are worth a fair bit....

coyoteboy - 2/11/11 at 08:08 PM

I'd love to have that cash to throw about but I think you'll be out of my price range at the moment Eddie. Which one is it, out of curiosity...

eddie99 - 2/11/11 at 08:18 PM

o1e i believe, not sure on the specifics.

coyoteboy - 2/11/11 at 08:33 PM

Would be ideal but you're possibly better flogging that to the gt40's board - they lap them up. I was considering an 012 - I know it's weaker but I think in my case the tyres will be the weak link torque wise and the box is rated to NEARLY the output of the v8 (used in the TDis) and they're £100 a piece.

eddie99 - 2/11/11 at 09:03 PM

Yup i ended up with a couple, most went to Gt40 owners... Got 1 or 2 left now

coyoteboy - 27/11/11 at 11:24 PM

Chuffed. Managed to pick up a 6spd 01E with shafts today for less than £100

FASTdan - 28/11/11 at 08:54 AM

Originally posted by coyoteboy
SW. I'm currently working on getting my Kinect to work as a 3D scanner to get a model of the engine save me measuring the thing by hand!

As in xbox kinect? I'd be interested to hear how that comes out. Nice idea if it can be done.

coyoteboy - 28/11/11 at 11:06 AM

Yup, looks like it'll have about 1mm accuracy with enough samples which is good enough for a general model but not really good enough for making parts to mate unfortunately. Probably plenty for speccing engine mounts but we'll see. I'll keep the forum posted.

H7ERO - 29/11/11 at 12:59 AM

nice gearbox find im on the hunt for one myself!

where did you source the engine and box? whats the going rates for those audi V8s?

coyoteboy - 29/11/11 at 12:50 PM

Fleabay is your friend. IF you can sit and keep your eyes peeled. So far I've got the lot for <500 quid, but the going rate is about 750 for the engine and 300ish for the box.

coyoteboy - 5/12/11 at 12:38 AM

Awesome, picked the box up today, in great condition, nice and clean with no leaky seals, comes with starter, shafts and slave cyl/release fork. Couldn't be happier for £70!

coyoteboy - 20/12/12 at 01:56 PM

Well a year later and I've got the engine partially stripped, rebuilt and prettied up a bit. I've got a flywheel insert (034 motorsport) and a 6 spd box, some wheels, some spindles and designs on paper for the engine management. Not had chance to do anything much on it for the past few months as I've been run off my feet at work but in the background I've been writing a simple simulation to help calculate required brake sizes etc