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At last nearly finished it!
I predict a Riot - 26/5/12 at 08:55 PM

Just the exhaust to mount and then off for IVA.

It's taken two years of hard work but what am I going to do with my evenings now!

I shall have to start talking to the wife again!

Hector.Brocklebank - 26/5/12 at 09:22 PM

Originally posted by I predict a Riot

It's taken two years of hard work but what am I going to do with my evenings now!

I shall have to start talking to the wife again!

if you feel like that its time to find a younger/fitter model to accompany you on run outs in your new vehicle

unless of course that's your missus in your avater, in which case why the **** were you building a car in the first place ?

[Edited on 26/5/2012 by Hector.Brocklebank]