Awesome looking car.. too bad it's a fake..
Is it a fake? Is it a reproduction or a replica. I was watching the Montery Historic Races last night on the tele and they were discussing that
point. There was a car that was accepted into the fiels as it was reproduces using period parts and based on orginal plans as there were no models
left in existance. Althou it wasn't an original, it was constructed as the original would have been, so it was accaptable. If I were to gather
all the parts to build an exact duplicate of a 1964 Lotus 7, and build it to the standard it was built in 1964, then the only thing that differntiats
it from an orginal is a piece of paper and a vin plate. I could be raced under historic rules and could be seen as an original, if there were none in
existance to justify the time and trouble.
This is a touchy subject amoung a lot of folks, so is it a fake? That is up to personal interpretation, as for me, I would own it.
Good point you've got there.. but read the ad..
a modern representation of the 1967 350 Can-Am
using all new components
Porsche G50/052 5 speed transaxle
I would take that over a K1 Attack ANY day of the year.
For close to the same price I believe. A K1 Attack is being sold here in the USA for $120,000....
It has a period Ferrari V12; that is good enough for me.