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Tralfaz - 2/3/05 at 10:19 PM


Hellfire - 2/3/05 at 10:26 PM



Nice'ish but proportionally wrong IMHO...

JoelP - 2/3/05 at 10:29 PM

i like it myself, a lot. I cant comment in detail cos that website is a twat to navigate without a mouse, but the few pics i saw looked great.

greggors84 - 2/3/05 at 11:31 PM

Looks huge! Unless it is built by umpa lumpas!

A mate from work is being sent to the geneva motorshow next thursday all in the name of benchmarking!! All he has to do is take loads of pictures of cars, ill get him to take some of the tramontane.

I can tell you its named after a mediterranian wind!

violentblue - 3/3/05 at 12:19 AM

I think its a cross between a jetfigter and a turd.

from an engeneering standpoint its breathtakeing, but it looks like s***

kb58 - 3/3/05 at 01:25 AM

Their marketting approach seems like it was lifted from Mercedes/Ferrari. The also play games with partial shots, noting the exclusivity of it. I got a sense of a little snobbishness Wouldn't surprise me if, somewhere on the site, is a line about "adding one to your 'collection' ". I don't care for that word, "collection," a bit too pretentious for me. And to really drive that point home, I'm guessing they'll ask well over $100K for it.

See how much I read into things?

BTW, did you see how *massive* the frame is? Looks like 2" x 3" square-section to me...

[Edited on 3/3/05 by kb58]

RallyHarry - 3/3/05 at 08:19 AM

I just love the first picture under "photos".
They look like four dentists in a workshop, although t-shirt under and old shoes separates them from their brand new white coats.

Look at those taillights, from eurospares ?
Would be exclusive though as noone sensible will buy it ...

Hate to rain on someones parade, but geeez, that design is butt ugly and not thought through


ceebmoj - 3/3/05 at 08:21 AM

I like the looks from the cad however I would like to see some picks of the actual car and as the Geneva motor show is now on hopeful there will be some about soon.

Peteff - 3/3/05 at 10:03 AM

It's a good job they put red lights on the back. I wasn't sure which way round it should go. It looks out of proportion and clumsy for a 2 seater.

ceebmoj - 3/3/05 at 10:55 AM

some more pics hear. is is a shame that the show car did not have the glass canopy

Dale - 3/3/05 at 01:59 PM

I like it for some reason I cant understand- Nothing much is right about it -but---------
It does look much better with the flat fenders as opposed to the wrap around ones.
I am considering doing similar for the front wings of my car- except in polished stainless.

mangogrooveworkshop - 3/3/05 at 03:15 PM

Just imagined Snoopy and the lads dressing up like that

Peteff - 3/3/05 at 04:41 PM

Never trust a man who puts his tool in your mouth I say. Look at the third picture on here, is it an optical illusion or 4 wheel steering?

Alan B - 4/3/05 at 01:55 PM

Originally posted by Peteff
It's a good job they put red lights on the back. I wasn't sure which way round it should go. It looks out of proportion and clumsy for a 2 seater.

Well put Pete.....I looked at at least 4 pics before I could figure front or back.

Very odd looking, but nicely done......if that makes sense...

Jermyn - 9/3/05 at 03:05 PM

From the front, Looks like a coffin with wings. Seems like with all the wings that this thing could actually take flight

Maybe they are bow-planes.....Is this some sort of new German Submarine?

Alez - 10/3/05 at 02:09 PM

Price for the car was about 350 000 pounds or something, silly.


[Edited on 10/3/05 by Alez]

Rorty - 8/4/05 at 06:02 AM

The thing I find fascinating is all the twisted RHS in the chassis. I wonder what inspired that, perhaps the burnt out ruin of a steel-framed shed?
I tend towards violentblue's description; it looks like it should be semi-mat brown with steam rising slowly from it.