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Mid engine modded cars
berkut - 1/6/05 at 03:55 PM


Could you guys supply me with sites/ pics of normal cars converted to mid engined cars (lets say a VW Golf).

Im a great fan of the projects over here (and i have already designed a car) but unfourtenetly due to some cirumstances i need to concentrate on modding a stock car by placing the engine in the back of the car.

I will be very gratefull for your input guys,


Ben Smith - 1/6/05 at 10:19 PM

If you are building a mid engined golf, I think the guy you need to speak to is called Ian Birch and has a company in the uk called DubSport. Don't know any contact details (try google). He has built rear engined and twin engined 4wd cars in the past.


kb58 - 2/6/05 at 03:21 AM

I put a Honda drivetrain in the back of a "Mini". Tube-frame yes but it can be done to a real one too. See site in sig.

Ratman - 2/6/05 at 05:28 AM

Here's a link to a mid-engined Honda Accord which has been sucessfully rallied for a number of years here in NZ. Brian

berkut - 2/6/05 at 09:34 AM

kb58 i have read your site back and forth a few times already As well as Grabercars and a few others but you are preparing everything yourself wich i cant unfourtenetly do.

Ratman - thank you for your input ! Everything will help guys !

Well it wont be a Golf. im still deciding wich car should i want to modify.

theconrodkid - 2/6/05 at 01:49 PM

how about a fiat 127 or trabby?saw plenty last time i was there

berkut - 2/6/05 at 02:16 PM

A trabby, fiats, or polonez are totaly out of the game. I wont even touch them with bare hands or tools, maybe a hammer or plazma torch to rip em apart.

Im thinking of buying a Ford Escort RS turbo. They cost dirt cheap over here and have a light chassis, most parts are dirt cheap. I would take out the engine and have spare parts for my car (it happens i own a RS turbo in mint condition ). I wont modify mine as its a classic car.

This car is really fast with only ~160bhp and would be even faster if i had some fun with it. And has some serious space in the back for a bigger engine, transaxle gearbox etc. The radiator, IC's etc would be placed under the bonnet for better weight distibution.

Hmmm i think i was day dreaming again

kb58 - 3/6/05 at 01:23 AM

Originally posted by berkut
kb58 i have read your site back and forth a few times already

But your proposed project is MUCH simplier. Youl already have a body, doors, glass, steering, complete front suspension...

You cut a hole in the rear flow, weld in a frame, then build a subframe holding your FWD drivetrain of choice. It is MUCH simpler then what we're doing.

TheGecko - 3/6/05 at 02:54 AM

Here's a few examples of what you're suggesting:

Mid-engine Integra
Another CRX
and another

Also, do some searching for the Ford Festiva SHOgun, which was alittle Festiva hatchback with the Taurus SHO quad-cam V6 in the back . Here's a link to a copy.

Hope this gives you some more ideas.


Alan B - 3/6/05 at 12:32 PM

Dominic, as usual, excellent research......I now have my quiet time on-line reading for later......Cheers..


turbo time - 5/6/05 at 05:55 PM


......I now have my quiet time on-line reading for later...

Exactly my thoughts .

TheGecko - 6/6/05 at 12:54 PM

Originally posted by Alan B
Dominic, as usual, excellent research....
Thanks Alan. If there was a way to make a living just searching for things on the net I think I could be quite well off

Good to see some progress on your car too - it seems that my four favourite build diaries (Meerkat, La Bala, Kimini, & DP1) have all hit slow patches at the same time leaving me with few updates to keep my interest alive. Of course, I shouldn't complain, since my diary hasn't been updated in over 12 months Some serious family illnesses and a variety of other problems are my excuse.


berkut - 6/6/05 at 05:34 PM

Thank you for the wonderfull links !

I almost feel ashame to post this comparing to what you guys do, still i hope i will add something to the forums.

What do you think of using the Escort RS turbo as the "donor" car. I find it very light, small, parts are cheap over here, very simple structure with plenty of ways to improve it.

My project goals are to make a very fast, mid engined car for pure enjoyment of building it and driving on the track / 1/4 mile lane / streets (very rarelly).