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need help
godfather - 2/6/05 at 04:17 AM

hi to all I need a donor chassis for beetle body I am try to place the engine in the front thanks godfaather

Rorty - 2/6/05 at 05:29 AM

I doubt if one exists. I've seen a few Beetles with front mounted engines (one was a 350 Chevy), but they were all heavily modified with grafted-on chassis legs.
Why not download McSorley's plans and use them as a basis for a Beetle chassis.

niceperson709 - 2/6/05 at 08:01 AM

I suspect that this would be very difficult to get registered in Australia and before you do any thing you should contact an engineer . But more to the point is why would you do it ? seems like a whole lot of hassle for a limited result to me .
Best wishes

niceperson709 - 2/6/05 at 08:02 AM

I suspect that this would be very difficult to get registered in Australia and before you do any thing you should contact an engineer . But more to the point is why would you do it ? seems like a whole lot of hassle for a limited result to me .
Best wishes

godfather - 2/6/05 at 10:08 AM

thanks to all I will try and tose drawings you are right in victoria it is very hard to rego with a donor chassis it will be easy to regi one point I am a coch builder my trade