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New Photos of La bala (primered) in my gallery
sgraber - 14/1/06 at 10:57 PM

Hey all, (slight cross-post from the bodywork section)

Bill and I sprayed La Bala last night with another thick coat of Laminex. All that's left is sanding out some drips, fixing a few pinholes and low spots and then another coat of primer. Then it's wet sanding to 600 grit and buffing to a high polish before wax and molds!

I am buying the resin, gel and the cloth this week, so apparently this is it. Mold Making Season is here!

Woooo Hooooo!

If got a ton of pics in my website gallery, but here's one to show:

Triton - 14/1/06 at 11:08 PM

Can you turn the body easily?

sgraber - 14/1/06 at 11:57 PM

Originally posted by Triton
Can you turn the body easily?

Not sure I understand you. Turn as in "The wheels of the stand allow the car to roll anywhere I need?" Turn?

JoelP - 15/1/06 at 12:24 AM

flip it over, so you have good access to the underside/lower edges tritons good with molds.

sgraber - 15/1/06 at 12:32 AM

Originally posted by JoelP
flip it over, so you have good access to the underside/lower edges tritons good with molds.

Ahhh. I seeee said the blind man.

No, can't flip it. There is a complete car underneath that there body.

I did have the good sense to hire an expert 'glass' man to help straighten everything out, finish the plug and lay up the molds. He'll also take the duties of laying up the bodies when it gets to the point where I am offering them for sale.

Have you seen where my part lines are going to be?

Oh! and did you see what I am doing for a Top?

Dillinger1977 - 15/1/06 at 10:17 AM

very nice!

Fred W B - 15/1/06 at 08:16 PM

Looks like a million bucks Steve, or is that a million hours?



kreb - 16/1/06 at 05:37 AM

Niiiice Steve! Congratulations on your progress and keep up the good work!

RazMan - 21/1/06 at 12:16 AM

All that hard work is worth it now.
I love it

sgraber - 21/1/06 at 01:38 AM

Foremost I am building this thing for my own enjoyment.

I really appreciate the fact that you guys, see the amount of work that's gone into it so far. That really keeps me motivated.

Thanks again for the positive reinforcement,


cornishrob - 21/1/06 at 11:14 AM

the roof looks sweet m8.

little bit ferrari orientated I like it

chrisg - 21/1/06 at 12:37 PM

Breathtaking Steve

you must be so proud!



BTW which program are you using for those renderings ?

Dutchman - 2/3/06 at 03:13 PM

The breath taking job...

I have a question .... how to make slices in 3D max or some other 3D program, want to make something but have problem how to export it to paper so I can make the model

David Jenkins - 2/3/06 at 03:16 PM

I think your nail varnish is a bit too red in the lower picture...

...apart from that, it looks excellent!


sgraber - 2/3/06 at 09:12 PM

Originally posted by Dutchman
The breath taking job...

I have a question .... how to make slices in 3D max or some other 3D program, want to make something but have problem how to export it to paper so I can make the model

Thank you one and all!

I wrote up a short description of how to make slices into splines from 3DS Max models. Once you have the slices as splines you can export each one seperately as a DXF and import them into a CAD program that will let you plot them out in full scale.

You can find it here. Let me know if that's not what you were looking for.

OOPS - heres the linky

[Edited on 3/2/06 by sgraber]

RallyHarry - 3/3/06 at 03:32 PM

looks like the pictures are dead links, at elast to me ...


sgraber - 3/3/06 at 04:35 PM

You're right....

I'll fix those up later today.


Originally posted by RallyHarry
looks like the pictures are dead links, at elast to me ...


Peteff - 3/3/06 at 04:44 PM

I remember a few years ago someone asking what would be best to make the formers for a body mould. Have you got the hang of it now Steve?

sgraber - 16/3/06 at 05:59 PM

Originally posted by Peteff
I remember a few years ago someone asking what would be best to make the formers for a body mould. Have you got the hang of it now Steve?

Ha! I DO remember asking a TON of questions. Did it look like this?

Now looking like this: