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Road Tax rate for Locost with historic reg
sevaun - 10/12/15 at 01:14 PM

although I built and registered my Locost in 2004 it received an age related plate as I used all the main bits from a 1974 Escort Mk2. It has been off the road for a few years sorned, but I plan to use it again in the new year by which time the registration will over 40 years old and under the new rolling Historic Car Road Fund License system if it was an Escort it would be tax free. Does anyone know if the Locost qualify for free road fund license as a historic vehicle? I've been on the DVLA website to check, but can't find a definitive answer without actually taxing it (which I don't want to do until the new year)



[Edited on 10/12/15 by sevaun]

minitici - 10/12/15 at 01:21 PM

Does your logbook "Special Notes" say something to the effect of:

"Was registered and/or used. Declared manufactured 1974"

If so you can get "Historic" status - otherwise no.

Assuming that the car is correctly described as a 'Locost' and not a Ford Escort!

adithorp - 10/12/15 at 01:25 PM

For historic/taxfree it depends upon the date of first registratio on the V5. That should be 2004 and you won't get taxfree status. As your car is on an agerelated 'plate not an historic one (not the same number as the Escort).
However you might get lucky and the DVLA bod might have messed up (not unheard of) and left it as 1974 in which case you might be OK but strictly speaking the V5 would be wrong.

garyo - 10/12/15 at 04:41 PM

I had a tax exempt Fury, which is the same principle.

It's the date of manufacture rather than first registration. I had a Landy that was first registered 1982 that was tax exempt because it was built in 1968 then used off road. That was also given an age related plate.

I suspect it might depend what side of bed your DVLA letter opener got out of on the day your application lands on their mat...

sevaun - 11/12/15 at 08:29 AM

Just checked my registration on the DVLA website and it looks like I might have to pay after all as they have the car registered as built and first registered in 2004:

From the DVLA Website records:

Vehicle details

Vehicle make: LOCOST

Date of first registration: 01 December 2004

Year of manufacture: 2004

Cylinder capacity (cc)1698cc
CO₂Emissions Not available
Fuel type PETROL
Vehicle status SORN in place
Vehicle colour GREEN
Vehicle type approval Not available

£225 per year - Ouch!! I only plan to do a couple of thousand miles a year. The cost of taxing kit cars and classics is totally unfair considering to the small amount of road use we actually get for our money.

[Edited on 11/12/15 by sevaun]

johnemms - 11/12/15 at 09:27 AM

I tried for tax exempt with my 1600 xflow build.. DVLA said no...
Tax Band is A or B .. above or below 1500cc (I think) so stuck a 2.0L in ..
I sorn over winter and Tax April/May depending on weather to end of Sep or October..
But.. On the bright side - with an age related plate - my 2.0 blacktop with carbs are 'visual emissions only'
Stick anything you like in!

loggyboy - 11/12/15 at 09:31 AM

Originally posted by johnemms
But.. On the bright side - with an age related plate - my 2.0 blacktop with carbs are 'visual emissions only'
Stick anything you like in!

I thought only Q plates get visual emissions only.

prawnabie - 11/12/15 at 10:14 AM

IIRC Q plates are tested for emissions to pre 1970 something standards which is visual smoke only - if the donor is pre that date I guess it would be the same as a Q. I stand to be corrected of course.

johnemms - 11/12/15 at 10:26 AM

Ahh my bad..
Date of first reg in UK 01 10 2012
H Reg - - 1969 ish
Nothing in log book regards noise or emmisions

At IVA it was emissions only .. so same on book..

sevaun - 21/12/15 at 11:38 AM

Well I dug out my registration document over the weekend and there's good news and bad. I was mistaken about the age related plate. It is in fact a V reg which I mistook for 1974(don't know why just brain fade) It is in fact a 1979 V plate registration. Now the good news, the document says "vehicle first registered in 1979", then on the next line it states "vehicle first registered in the UK 2004". So by my reckoning as it definitely states first Registered 1979 then come 2019 I won't have any road tax to pay!!
