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help can someone identify this
house19uk - 27/7/09 at 07:46 PM

As the title suggest want to get a new handbrake cable as per attached picture can anyone identify what its from????? Rescued attachment DSC_6904ps.jpg
Rescued attachment DSC_6904ps.jpg

big_wasa - 27/7/09 at 07:59 PM

its from an Austin allegro.

I bought two on ebay last week.

Mine are moprod mbc805

same as this

[Edited on 27/7/09 by big_wasa]

house19uk - 27/7/09 at 08:06 PM

Thanks for your help big_wasa

big_wasa - 27/7/09 at 08:13 PM


house19uk - 27/7/09 at 09:48 PM

Will get a new pair tomorrow thanks again