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Lots of R1 bits for 5VY
bitsilly - 8/10/10 at 07:06 PM

I have stripped down the R1 5VY engine that was originally dry sumped. As a result I have lots of bits for sale.
The gearbox has gone already, so has the clutch and basket.
So if anyone wants any bits please let me know.

adithorp - 8/10/10 at 08:03 PM

I'd be interested in any sensors/electrics you have spare.


bitsilly - 8/10/10 at 08:47 PM

Not a lot of loom there, but all the normal sensors that come with the engine are there, neutral, crank etc.
I'll keep em for you.

a4gom - 8/10/10 at 09:51 PM

speedo sensor? not sure if there is a problem with my sensor or my healer or my connections or some interference but if it's up for grabs i'd be interested

adithorp - 8/10/10 at 09:59 PM

Sensors would be great. Just want spares for touring. Don't need loom. Is there an ECU? let me know what sort of money you want for them.


ko_racer - 9/10/10 at 07:30 AM

Might be interested in the Barrels and Pistons if you've still got them

bitsilly - 9/10/10 at 08:34 AM

Will have barrels and pistons.
No ECU afraid.
I will contact everyone who has expressed interest as soon as I'm sorted, which will be a week or so.
Not looking for much money, just to recoop a bit. I usually see what things are on Ebay and half it.

adithorp - 9/10/10 at 11:20 AM

Also interested in the starter/generator bits (stator coil in particular) and the regulator/rectifier.

I assume you don't have a standard sump for it, given the other post?


bitsilly - 9/10/10 at 05:30 PM

and correct, no sump.

ko_racer - 11/10/10 at 10:46 AM

Also interested in crank cases if you have them too

Hadders - 11/10/10 at 05:18 PM

Interested in the cam cover if you still have it. Thanks