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Wanted: 5VY R1 exup servo motor
Hadders - 22/5/11 at 07:15 PM

Does anyone have one of the above they wish to sell?



doddy - 22/5/11 at 07:22 PM

i have one for s 5jj and a 4xv dont know if they are the same

Hadders - 22/5/11 at 07:33 PM

Thanks Doddy. Neither do I. Ideally looking for a 5VY to avoid any doubt but will be in touch if they are.

Hadders - 23/5/11 at 08:12 PM


adithorp - 23/5/11 at 08:58 PM

How about the electronic widget to replace it? Had one on my Fury for 3years/10000miles with no problems.

search for R1 EXUP widget in the bec section.


Peteff - 23/5/11 at 11:08 PM

There's a diagram in Bob C's gallery.