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O/T Variable Speed Angle Grinder
spdpug98 - 17/6/11 at 04:49 PM

As per the title, I am looking for a 115mm variable speed angle grinder if anyone has one gathering dust in their garage

Preferably on the South Coast

James - 17/6/11 at 05:00 PM

Out of idle curiosity, why the need for variable speed?

Have cut steel, ali and GRP with mine and not felt the speed was the main problem! lol


spdpug98 - 17/6/11 at 05:05 PM

Originally posted by James
Out of idle curiosity, why the need for variable speed?

Have cut steel, ali and GRP with mine and not felt the speed was the main problem! lol


I have just (well in the process of) started a new Smart Repair business and will be using it on some of my repairs, therefore it needs to be controlable otherwise I could be buying all my customers new tyres!