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Recommend me an ISP
Guinness - 13/3/09 at 04:53 PM

I currently have my landline phone with BT for about £11 a month.

I also have 8 meg BB with a 5gb download limit for £12 a month.

Can anyone out in the internet recommend me a new ISP / possibily combined with my line rental?

ISP has to be able to provide fixed IP address and reverse DNS look up.



dhutch - 13/3/09 at 05:07 PM

Always heard good things about Zen who will proberbly be able to sort you out.
- I have BT at home, and Virgin cable here.


Bluemoon - 13/3/09 at 05:18 PM

I've just signed up with plusnet, seem to have good rep, some areas (inc mine) 5.99 month for boardband, if you do quote my user name deepbluemoon, i get a discount...

Can't coment if they are any good though!


[Edited on 13/3/09 by Bluemoon]

Keith Weiland - 13/3/09 at 05:29 PM

You could try Be Broadband

Guinness - 13/3/09 at 05:31 PM

Plusnet are the reason I am changing provider. I have been a madasafish customer for years, but since plusnet bought madasafish, they have stopped allowing reverse DNS look up on madasafish accounts, which screwed my email server.


fov - 13/3/09 at 05:49 PM

If your willing to pay for quality I would say either or an enta reseller (I would recommend and do use CCSLeeds).
If you are wanting bargain basement i fear you may end up going out of the frying pan into the fire.

splitrivet - 13/3/09 at 05:56 PM

Virgin for me everytime. I have broadband at home (not in a cabled street) even worse on a non LLU'd exchange and cable modem at work via virgin, there is no comparison speed wise.

If you go here type in your Tel number and see who's kit is in your exchange any of those LLU suppliers will give you a better service otherwise your with BT wholesale BB.

britishtrident - 13/3/09 at 05:59 PM

Plusnet are pretty good these days --- yes the are part of BT but the broadband service is much superior. They haven't yet gone ADSL2+ but will do soon. The web interface for setting up mail boxes, spam and virus filtering and web space is very very go.

For a fast service I found both O2 and Be both are pretty good and have been pretty reliable --- they are part of the same group.

O2 offers very attractive deals if you have a mobile from them -- even if its is PAYG.

Be has a better set up for customising your setup mail boxes what have you.

cobra427 - 13/3/09 at 06:09 PM

I get 100gig a month limit!!! ( and yes I've hit it a few times)

yellow melos - 13/3/09 at 11:28 PM

The problem with using broadband providers other then BT is that all your traffic is router through to your provider once it hit your local exchange, that were the problems happen, i have found a lot of the time BT will chock the connection in favour of there customers... but when you run the speed test ( which you have to do because it's BT routed services ) your speeds are good.

but when you run a trace program, you speed drops as soon as you leave the BT network and are routed through to you ISP.

i have seen all the various ISP get this problem.

the reason Vigin media do not get this problem is because there don't generally use BT's exchanges.

but if it's a fixed IP and reverse DNS you need, then you need to go over to a business product. cost more but you speeds should be better anyway, the downside is cost of course

britishtrident - 16/3/09 at 02:30 PM

Originally posted by Guinness
Plusnet are the reason I am changing provider. I have been a madasafish customer for years, but since plusnet bought madasafish, they have stopped allowing reverse DNS look up on madasafish accounts, which screwed my email server.


Go static DNS reverse DNS look up is a kludge

Staple balls - 16/3/09 at 02:44 PM

Gotta agree with bethere (or O2, if you want something more consumer-friendly)

Fairly cheap, very fast, don't complain if you download a bit (I've done 140GB in the last 12 days)