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Engine / Fuel / Engine management issues
Knock-on - 19/4/21 at 01:06 PM

My IVA passed Robin Hood 2B has been sitting for a few years feeling very sorry for itself.

Basically I had a 2.0 pinto and RHS exiting exhaust married to Webbers and usual wiring loom.

Then I had a bright idea of fitting a bespoke Loom, 2.0 Zetec Silvertop, ZX9 carbs, Trigger wheels Management system and LHS Zorst custom made by Spencer Ashley.

Funnily enough, it all worked albeit like a Dog pulling only about 40mph on it's trip back to my house a few years ago where it's sat.

I'll put my hands up and admit I haven't got a clue how to set it up, match the Jets, program the Ignition and balance it all up.

Not being in the position to throw thousands at it, I am looking for ideas. Someone in the South East that might have the know how to get it sorted in it's current incarnation or should I ditch bike carbs and look for 2nd hand ignition and injectors which will be easier to set up and maintain.

Any ideas, Offers of help, Insults will be appreciated.

coyoteboy - 19/4/21 at 06:22 PM

I can't help you on the carbs - no part of me would go for a carb setup given the ease of getting an EFI system to the point of being easily mapped. That said, you have this up and running - why not just get it to a rolling road who can handle carbs and finish it off?