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Jon Ison - 14/2/13 at 05:50 PM

Very grim

Ninehigh - 14/2/13 at 06:01 PM


Why do I get the idea this was in Russia?

nick205 - 14/2/13 at 06:03 PM

You can only hope that Darwin catches up with him before he kills someone!

coyoteboy - 14/2/13 at 06:03 PM

Confused. Why is that grim? Stupid, wreckless, idiotic. But not grim? Grim is something you'd find a

nick205 - 14/2/13 at 06:04 PM

Originally posted by Ninehigh

Why do I get the idea this was in Russia?

IIRC Georgia was part of Russia once upon a time

Benzine - 14/2/13 at 06:13 PM

spiderman - 14/2/13 at 06:19 PM

Originally posted by nick205
Originally posted by Ninehigh

Why do I get the idea this was in Russia?

IIRC Georgia was part of Russia once upon a time [/quote

USSR not Russia, just to be pedantic but close enough for us Europeans not to notice or really care that much. The guy needs a good kicking for driving like that on such crowded roads it will only be a matter of time before he kills someone. I am all for having a bit of fun on the roads but not at someone else's expense, as the driver almost always is the one to come out of an accident unharmed and the innocent victim is the one left paralysed or dead.

[Edited on 14/2/13 by spiderman]

Andy B - 14/2/13 at 06:45 PM

Spent 24 years of my life cutting people from the wreckage of their cars - some alive, some maimed, some dead and some would have been better off dead - this pr#ck should be made to attend a few incidents with a frontline emergency tender crew - he would soon lose his taste for driving like a twat

Jon Ison - 14/2/13 at 06:55 PM

Originally posted by Andy B
Spent 24 years of my life cutting people from the wreckage of their cars - some alive, some maimed, some dead and some would have been better off dead - this pr#ck should be made to attend a few incidents with a frontline emergency tender crew - he would soon lose his taste for driving like a twat

Think that sums him u perfectly.

Mark Allanson - 14/2/13 at 07:03 PM

Just looked like an average BMW driver to me

Ninehigh - 14/2/13 at 08:00 PM

Originally posted by nick205
Originally posted by Ninehigh

Why do I get the idea this was in Russia?

IIRC Georgia was part of Russia once upon a time

Did it say Georgia? I only watched the first minute or so

Barkalarr - 14/2/13 at 08:17 PM

Originally posted by Jon Ison
Originally posted by Andy B
Spent 24 years of my life cutting people from the wreckage of their cars - some alive, some maimed, some dead and some would have been better off dead - this pr#ck should be made to attend a few incidents with a frontline emergency tender crew - he would soon lose his taste for driving like a twat

Think that sums him u perfectly.


And if that hasn't shocked you enough... Well, I just couldn't believe this !! Linky

P ? - 14/2/13 at 08:34 PM

It's like he's applying for a job as a wheel man !

lsdweb - 14/2/13 at 08:42 PM

Like AndyB, I've spent a large part of my life dealing with the results of stupid drivers (not always their own fault). That guy needs a dose of reality - drag him out to an RTA/RTC and let him pick up the pieces (literally).


woodster - 14/2/13 at 09:24 PM

Russian or English it doesn't really matter driving like that isn't big or clever a knob ed is a knob ed in any language

olimarler - 14/2/13 at 10:29 PM

What an idiot! His days are numbered!!

Why endanger others like that. Let him kill him selve one less idiot in the gene pool!

Daddylonglegs - 14/2/13 at 10:43 PM

C...O...C!!! The sooner he hits a lamp post head on at 100mph the better (as long as the airbag fails too!!)

What a waste of valuable oxygen

jps - 15/2/13 at 08:27 AM

Complete idiot. I hope he when he does prang it's into the back of a car that belongs to the mafia...

Oddified - 15/2/13 at 08:44 AM

Whilst i quite like watching videos of stunts or trick driving etc and i have no problem driving quickly myself, i stopped the video after a minute as he's just an idiot.


Lightning - 15/2/13 at 12:52 PM

You can only suppose that he is under the delusion that he is a video game and that if he crashes nothing happens.
Selfish Bastard!

Its only a matter of time

[Edited on 15/2/13 by Lightning]

bi22le - 15/2/13 at 02:53 PM

Its like a busy day at the 'ring!!

Maybe he would fit in there with some of the other local loonies!