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Biker with Death Wish...
scootz - 1/12/09 at 08:22 AM

Drove the missus to work this morning... minus 4... roads like glass... overtaken by a biker on an R6 traveling well over the NSL!!!

Mr Whippy - 1/12/09 at 08:40 AM

hmm you get some twits out there

my bikes in the garage with a cover over it, very slippy here too

maybe his throttle had frozen wide open

Dangle_kt - 1/12/09 at 08:41 AM

Didn't you know? Bikes driven by retards come wih a special front tyre that melts ice on contact in an emergency braking situation. H can't crash, he rides a sports bike made by yamaha and is therefore just as good as valentino himself.

mr henderson - 1/12/09 at 08:44 AM

The main road near us is a big favourite with bikers, and all summer long we are amused by all the usual biker stuff, loud exhausts and overtaking on corners, travelling at speeds of 80 or more (lots). They also tend to assume car drivers have seen them (maybe they have, maybe they haven't)

Either they don't know how dangerous their behaviour is (thick) or they don't care (death wish)

mad4x4 - 1/12/09 at 12:31 PM

Originally posted by Dangle_kt
Didn't you know? Bikes driven by retards come wih a special front tyre that melts ice on contact in an emergency braking situation. H can't crash, he rides a sports bike made by yamaha and is therefore just as good as valentino himself.

How do thoese special tyres work when his front wheel is off the ground ??

Steve G - 1/12/09 at 12:31 PM

An R6 - thats a shame. If it was an R1 you could have waited for the crash and whipped the engine out quick before the cops arrive!!

Dont forget these guys are doing the rest of us a favour - they supply the doctors with donor organs and the BEC boys with pretty cheap power. You should thank a lunatic biker next time you get a chance!!

stuart_g - 1/12/09 at 12:53 PM


Dont forget these guys are doing the rest of us a favour - they supply the doctors with donor organs and the BEC boys with pretty cheap power. You should thank a lunatic biker next time you get a chance!!

This is only because some people who drive tin boxes don't look for or care about bikers as they are nice and safe inside their box.

It is not always the bikers fault you know.

prawnabie - 1/12/09 at 01:00 PM

HAHAHAH so its the tin top drivers fault bikers drive like lunatics!!! I agreed drivers need to look out more for riders, but that in no way accounts for the amount of lunacy some riders use when out and about! Do us a favour a check which way the bandwaggon is going before you jump on!

Steve G - 1/12/09 at 01:06 PM

Originally posted by stuart_g

Dont forget these guys are doing the rest of us a favour - they supply the doctors with donor organs and the BEC boys with pretty cheap power. You should thank a lunatic biker next time you get a chance!!

This is only because some people who drive tin boxes don't look for or care about bikers as they are nice and safe inside their box.

It is not always the bikers fault you know.

I did specify lunatic bikers. IMHO if a biker is doing stupid things and a car driver doesnt see them then the biker has still contributed to his own downfall.

[Edited on 1/12/09 by Steve G]

mr henderson - 1/12/09 at 01:16 PM

Originally posted by stuart_g

It is not always the bikers fault you know.

Indeed, but it's usually the biker that comes off worst, something that a lot of them sem to forget. What's the good of being in the right if you are dead?

Mr Whippy - 1/12/09 at 01:17 PM

Originally posted by stuart_g

Dont forget these guys are doing the rest of us a favour - they supply the doctors with donor organs and the BEC boys with pretty cheap power. You should thank a lunatic biker next time you get a chance!!

This is only because some people who drive tin boxes don't look for or care about bikers as they are nice and safe inside their box.

It is not always the bikers fault you know.

but a lot of the time it is

That also includes riders wearing black on black bike etc when the highway code, Joe Blogs on the street or any 5 year old knows fine well that’s hard to see and yet some bikers can’t get it into their thick heads that’s why a car just pulled out infront of them

[Edited on 1/12/09 by Mr Whippy]

hampshe - 1/12/09 at 01:20 PM

Most of the time it is the bikers going faster than they realise that cause accidents, car drivers expect other vehicles to travel near the speed limit.
I appreiciatte both points of view are valid,
I have had several kit cars and motorbike, current bikes Suzuki DRZ400 & Kawasaki ZX7R and have been in both situations

stuart_g - 1/12/09 at 01:21 PM

Originally posted by prawnabie
HAHAHAH so its the tin top drivers fault bikers drive like lunatics!!!

I didn't say that.

I agreed drivers need to look out more for riders, but that in no way accounts for the amount of lunacy some riders use when out and about!

Totally agree.

Do us a favour a check which way the bandwaggon is going before you jump on!

Just pointing out it is not always the bikers fault as to why there are lots of organ and BEC donors out there.
This guy could at the next junction be knocked off by someone pulling out in a tin box not concentrating.

A1 - 1/12/09 at 01:38 PM

I like bikers, theyre about the only decent people left these days.
so what if they have loud exhausts and go fast, its not that big a deal.
that would be like sayng its cold so lets not drive the kitcar.
theres worse things happening in the world.

morcus - 1/12/09 at 01:59 PM

Its Kids on mopeds that are the worst, theres so many of them that seem to have no regard for anyones safety, including there own and I frequently see them doing stupid things (Like three of them on a moped wearing tshirts). And the noise they make is just horrible.

Peteff - 1/12/09 at 03:08 PM

I went out on my bike on Saturday and was almost hit by a car that was in front of me. He had blocked a Pelican crossing which went to red and so he stuck it in reverse and started coming back at me. I had my headlight on but was obviously invisible due to my black jacket (Whippy, don't talk stupid, I never fell over a black car yet) and had to pip him to stop as I don't have reverse on the bike.

Findlay234 - 1/12/09 at 04:11 PM

I cant say i have an opinion on the issue i think there are a lot of crazy bikers out there (most people get bikes because the 'thrill' is greater than a car, says a lot doesnt it) But there is also something to be said for car drivers looking out only for cars, i know this having been nearly knocked off my push bike a number of times, especially in the dark with full reflective clothing and lights!!!

One thing that does resound with me to this day is from when i worked for halfords during a uni holiday one year. The store manager was a mad keen biker (didnt own a car) and he was adamant that most bike related accidents were caused by bikers. His saying was that "bikers shouldnt assume they have been seen" and he reasoned that bikers bought bikes because they were faster than cars for the money.

I know that when i cycle i never assume ive been seen and it has definately got me out of a few situations.

My own 2p.

55ant - 1/12/09 at 04:12 PM

i saw your usual hero biker guy this morning at 5am, full wet weather gear, big cruiser bike, luminous sash jobbie, minus 4, rain, goes to work on his bike rain or shine, legend. and he gave me a nod when i was cycling to work in similar gear! but i was probably colder!. he probably isnt as likely to be knocked of his bike as he will behave like a car on the road, not saying this is fair but if it keeps you safe... its when you start doing things differant to the norm, like drive fast/be in a kit car/cycling etc, that accidents are going to happen with other people, because other people are unable to snap out of their usual driving daze.

irrelavent of accidents caused, i think kit car guys and bikers can relate, i often get a wave from the biker guys,

petrol head respect.

[Edited on 1/12/09 by 55ant]

fazerruss - 1/12/09 at 06:32 PM

There is a good reason for having a loud exhaust on a bike..... If the car driver is blind then the likekyhood of him/her being deaf aswell is pretty slim! My new bike has the stock exhaust and it could do with being a little bit louder sometimes.

morcus - 2/12/09 at 01:22 AM

I've had someone try and reverse into me to get off a pelican crossing that changed, and someone did on a round about to me aswell (The first time I flashed and beeped till he stopped, the second one I had enough space to get into the other lane which was fortunatly empty). The problem is they don't test to see if your an idiot or a dickhead before giving you a driving lisence.

all forms of transport have those who use it correctly and safely, and all have those who ruin it for the rest of us.

I was behind a cyclist last week doing 25 in a traffic calmed area with nowhere safe to pass and I had someone in a big 4x4 behind me who kept flashing his lights and going out wide, when a oppertunity cam were it was safe for me to pass (but not by much) I went round him and the idiot behind then followed in a much narrow space in a much wider car with the oncoming traffic almost passing me and then sat right up behind me on the speed limit all the way to tesco. I have stuff like this all the time and I wonder how these people aren't crashing all the time.

Bikers and Kit car guys and modified guys all have the same problem, as a minority, the acts of a stupid individual have a greater effect on the whole.