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Hey All, long time no speek!
Marlon - 22/4/11 at 02:28 PM

Just thought I'd make a post to say hi as it's been quite a while since I posted on these pages as I have been beevering away on my tin top project, also not really had the interest in my Indy for a while. I hope to be posting more often now as the buzz is back in my indy and mods are hopefully not too far away. I'm looking forward to the nightly visit to lcb once again tho swmbo will have a grumble I'm sure of it!

Hi all.


AndyW - 22/4/11 at 03:12 PM

My wife is starting to ask me if something is wrong when Im not on LCB all night

Glad you got the buzz back.....nice weather for it too.....