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R1 Indy random stalling/failing to start
timmyb - 24/8/06 at 06:31 PM

Hi Guys!

Sorry to post a question that I#'m sure some of you have answered 1001 times, but a search didn't turn anything up.

My R1 Indy is misbehaving... I've taken her for a spin - nothing strenuous, just a normal drive, and as I've come to a point where I'm letting the revs drop below 4krpm, she's stuttered and died. Stamping on the throttle did nothing, but back off a bit semed to make her jump into life for a split second before dieing.

Once stalled, she wouldn't idle on restarting for a good 5 mins.

As I said, this has happened to me twice in the last couple of days. One possible contributary factor could be that the fuel's running low in the tank - far from empty, but lowish. Are they prone to getting fuel starvation at all?

Can anyone shed any light/sympathy/similar stories?

Many thanks


[Edited on 24/8/06 by timmyb]

DIY Si - 24/8/06 at 06:32 PM

Do you have a good fuel filter?

timmyb - 24/8/06 at 06:34 PM

It's running a standard filter, car's only 1000 miles old, so should be fine

DIY Si - 24/8/06 at 06:36 PM

was the filter new when fitted? It might be worth checking just in case. Is there anything about it stalling that's not random? Ie high temp, turning left etc?

timmyb - 24/8/06 at 06:37 PM

I'll double check, but I've got a receipt for the new part.

Nothing random at all - other than it occuring on two occasions after driving at dual carriageway speeds then coming to pootling speeds. It'll last for 5 mins (starting then immediate stalling) and pass as if nothing happened...


timmyb - 24/8/06 at 06:43 PM

All seems new in the filter department.

JoelP - 24/8/06 at 06:54 PM

what does it idle at when behaving? Id check the pump is on form, and turn the idle up slightly.

carb or inj?

[Edited on 24/8/06 by JoelP]

Andy W - 24/8/06 at 08:33 PM

Just had a similar problem, car died a couple of times but would restart after a couple of minutes. Traced it to be a dodgy fuel pump.


timmyb - 24/8/06 at 08:50 PM

Idle's fine when normal. I'll double check the idle speed though.

Thanks for your input too Andy, I'll get my hands on a spare fuel pump just in case.

Cheers guys


timmyb - 26/8/06 at 06:15 AM

Just for info guys, my initial thoughts were confirmed - she doesn't seem to like runing on les than 1/4 tank of fuel. All's fine since filling her up yesterday.

All the same, a replacement fuel pump is enroute

Thanks for the input thought guys
