posted on 25/2/06 at 10:14 PM |
progress progress and more progress
havent posted any progress in a while bit ive been busy in the garage and getting things done! heres a few pics-
this my shiny stainless fuel tank, took some doing to seal it with the mig welder but i got there in the end, it has a sort of brushed/ground/sanded
finish to it! the funny shaped hole takes the original audi fuel level sender. shortly after taking the photo i added some mounts using exhaust
![](/galpreviews/car 115.jpg) ![shiny fuel tank](/gallery/car 115.jpg) shiny fuel tank
this roll bar is a replacement for the 1" 12g prototype which would have been as good as a chocolate tea pot if the car ever roll's over.
one of my next jobs is to make the rear stay's which will be shiny stainless in keeping with the shiny engine bay theme. they will be removeable
too to aid engine fixing.
![](/galpreviews/car 119b.jpg) ![fat roll bar](/gallery/car 119b.jpg) fat roll bar
and finally- my front bottom wishbones! they dont have shock mounts yet (same with the rear ones) but ill be ordering the shocks in the next couple of
weeks so will do them all at once when i know whats what. today i bored and tapped some ferrules to m18 x 1.5 for the top bones so will try and get
them made up tomorrow!
![](/galpreviews/car 117b.jpg) ![front bottom wishing bone](/gallery/car 117b.jpg) front bottom wishing bone
[Edited on 25/2/06 by suparuss]
Fred W B
posted on 26/2/06 at 04:43 AM |
Hi Russ
Nice to see you are cracking on. Like the bends on the roll bar, did you get them done outside?
I"m working on my rear uprights - do you have any pics of what you are doing there?
Fred WB
posted on 26/2/06 at 08:30 AM |
hi fred, the roll bar was made by MNR, i dont have big enough knee's to bend tube that big! there are pics of my modified rear hubs in my
archive under the modified hubs section, but you can probably do a lot better, it was a compromise between getting what i want and not spending to
much time doing it.
posted on 26/2/06 at 09:57 AM |
your chassis looks a bit like a lightweight version of an Ultima one.... very impressive.
Looks like its taking shape very quickly... whats your planed timeframe for finishing and what you going to use the car for at the end?
keep up the excellent work.
posted on 26/2/06 at 10:26 AM |
And whats your car going to look like when it's finished?
When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car.
posted on 26/2/06 at 07:44 PM |
gonna look a bit like this hopefully. with slight differences, ths is just an early preliminary thing i knocked up ages ago in rhino. was originally
aiming to finish by this summer but i doubt that will happen, saying that- global warming seems to be pushing summer further to the back end of the
year so if i get me skates on i might make it, but its safer to say next summer i think!
![](/galpreviews/bodyb.jpg) ![body work (preliminary design)](/gallery/bodyb.jpg) body work (preliminary design)
posted on 26/2/06 at 10:17 PM |
What sort of windscreen were you thinking of using?
posted on 27/2/06 at 06:03 PM |
that there is a lancia stratos screen, its a very nice shape but a tad spensive. get what you pay for though.
the screen is one of the next things on me shopping list so i can finish the bulk of the chassis leaving only minor bracketry etc. really want to pay
off some credits cards first though!
mnr laptop
posted on 27/2/06 at 11:44 PM |
hi russ
glad the cage fits ok
i think you sent me an email, but i cant seem to find it now must have deleted it by mistake
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posted on 28/2/06 at 05:35 PM |
cheers marc, its a bit narrow at the bottom but is exactly what i asked for so i cant complain!
that email was cos you dint send me an extra meter of cds for me seat belt mounts, but looking at the heafty steel i think it might be a bit ott so
was wondering if you could refund me instead?