posted on 25/1/04 at 03:00 PM |
Escort Mk5 suspension
Hi All
I've been looking into rear suspension and i'm thinking of using a transverse engine after all (cheaper)
I was thinking of using the front suspension of a escort zetec, prob is they use a crap lower wishbone (see pic) which has a habit eating its
Can i just replace this with an "A" type wishbone like those used at the front of a locost? and still use the escort upright and shock?
![](/galpreviews/a79991-esc wish.jpg) ![Rescued attachment esc wish.jpg](/gallery/a79991-esc wish.jpg) Rescued attachment esc wish.jpg
Alan B
posted on 25/1/04 at 03:13 PM |
Quick answer...yes
Of course there will be many things to consider, but very doable IMO.
posted on 25/1/04 at 03:22 PM |
Hi Alan
Thanks for the quick answer
as long as its doable i can give it some thought
I'm assuming that the length from the ball joint to the centre off the first bush would have to be the same?
posted on 25/1/04 at 03:23 PM |
that is what i did on my midi(now deceaced),fiesta balljoints fit the hubs,3 bolt fitting on xr,s,ive got 2 new ones somewhere
who cares who wins
pass the pork pies
posted on 25/1/04 at 07:53 PM |
Thanks Conrad
Do you have any pics of your old midi?
did it die of natural causes?
posted on 27/1/04 at 05:36 PM |
erm it died due to neglect and a lack of time,no pics im afraid
who cares who wins
pass the pork pies