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What a great day!
Craigman9 - 2/6/11 at 09:09 PM

I have been away working for 6 weeks and the entire time I have been itching to get back to take my Indy out. However, I managed to get home last night and what weather it was today!!!

It could not have been timed any better for me. Managed to get through a good tank and a half but well worth it

Hoping for more of the same over the coming weeks

Daddylonglegs - 2/6/11 at 09:13 PM

You best get down the gas station, more of the same for the next 2 days apparently

Craigman9 - 2/6/11 at 09:15 PM

I don't mind that at all

lotusmadandy - 3/6/11 at 06:56 AM

Your a right jammy sod,you are.

All this lovely weather and i'm stuck inside decorating.

I will always have a spare paint brush for you mate


Craigman9 - 3/6/11 at 09:12 AM

Haha, you busy all day again like?

Give me a text anytime your not and I will pop through


lotusmadandy - 3/6/11 at 02:16 PM

I will be busy again tomorrow until about 4pm.

If i get finished and the weather is ok i will give you a bell.

Maybe go and see steve
