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Essex Kitcar Club
gavin174 - 29/5/10 at 02:27 PM

Hi all

dont forget the meeting at Checkers tomorrow

10am for breakfast then off for a run..

weather should be good.

eddie99 - 29/5/10 at 07:50 PM

See you there, lets hope its slightly better weather than today has been! Will be abit late though!

snapper - 30/5/10 at 04:21 AM


Will be a bit late

is that because teenagers don,t get up before mid day at the weekends?

eddie99 - 30/5/10 at 12:31 PM

Well that was an eventful morning. Good run out, shame i was in the tintop... Few people went to a different location but 6 of us went for a 60mile run. Then once back in chelmsford, Gav's melted gearstick melted a bit more and broke off. Then once we were half way home, he ran out of petrol. So finally made it home but had a good morning.

gavin174 - 30/5/10 at 01:38 PM

Thanks ED!!

remind me to never tell you a secret!!

My tank is either smaller than I thought

or I am only getting about 15 to the gallon!!!!

Need to get a bigger tank asap.

was fun thou. found driving with a 1" gearstick interesting!!

gavin174 - 30/5/10 at 01:42 PM

Hopefully Ferg will be along shortly with some pics...

Ferg - 31/5/10 at 06:48 PM

gavin174 - 31/5/10 at 07:38 PM

Thanks Ferg..

good job someone is organised with a camera.

Ferg - 31/5/10 at 07:43 PM

And the video!!