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Buckinghamshire meet?
tomouse - 5/7/12 at 03:21 PM

anyone know if there are any meets/breakfast runs etc near the aylesbury buckinghamshire area?

martyn1137 - 5/7/12 at 05:18 PM

I know there is one in Oxfordshire, you will find details on here if you search. I have not been along partly as my car has not been up to it and plain old lack of time.

I am in Princes Risborough so presumably not far from you. send me a U2U if you want to make contact. We could have a 2 car meet? Or maybe go over the Oxfordshire one at some time?


ian locostzx9rc2 - 5/7/12 at 05:30 PM

Oxfordshire meet is next tues 7.00pm at rose revived newbridge[ on the thames]
I live in bicester so u could make it a 3 car meet

tomouse - 5/7/12 at 08:21 PM

Oxfordshire meets sounds good. Maybe meet up en route to it? Or we could meet up in the middle another time? Thame seems to be between us 3

martyn1137 - 5/7/12 at 08:40 PM

Sorry I can't make Tuesday as I have promised to do an airport run for someone. Happy to meet up with you 2 guys though. Keep in touch.

I will try to get the car sorted.

ian locostzx9rc2 - 5/7/12 at 08:49 PM

I normally get to the meeting about 7.30 leave bicester about 7.00 and if you want to sort out a meet in thame thats ok with me.

[Edited on 5/7/12 by ian locostzx9rc2]

ChrisW - 5/7/12 at 09:30 PM

I'm in Weston Turville and would be interested in a Bucks meet if anyone wants to organise it!


Bumble - 5/7/12 at 10:44 PM

Jeeeeeez......small world, my Dad lives in Weston Turville and I'm frequently over that way!!! Chandos Arms,
5 Bells, Woolpack, Chequers.......there's a theme going on here!! Would be interested in a meet up!!

[Edited on 5/7/12 by Bumble]

tomouse - 6/7/12 at 07:19 AM

well theres more of us than i thought. ill plan to go next tuesday then and start praying that the rain stops at some point.

could also meet up at the Woolpack in stoke mandeville (good suggestion Bumble) maybe later next week we'll see if the weather picks up.

Bumble - 6/7/12 at 07:52 AM

Sounds like a you say, let's hope the weather picks up!!

tomouse - 10/7/12 at 05:29 PM

Well it's absolutely peeing it down in Aylesbury so I'll take a rain check this time!

ChrisW - 10/7/12 at 05:30 PM

It's drizzling here (Weston Turville). Only started in the last half hour or so, been bright most of the day.
