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Donnington show, yes or no?
R1 STRIKER - 30/8/12 at 05:35 PM

Hi everyone.

Just deciding if I should make the trip from hereford to the kit car show this year. What's it like these days? It's been some years since I last went and I know it's had mixed opinions over the the years. The last time I was there, a friend and I were giving passenger rides for Raw engineering in our Strikers, which I guess must have been 2003/04.

Also, If I pay to get into the show, will I be able to watch the 750mc racing as well or do I have to pay seperately for that? Would like to see the Rgb race.



adithorp - 30/8/12 at 06:01 PM

There's been no show at Donington since (I think) 06 or'07. So it's a new show at the venue of an old show with new organisers (CompleteKitCar). As a result it's hard to say how good it will be but I'm hopefull it'll be good.

As I understand it entry to the show includes the racing. Turn up in the kit and you get in free.

R1 STRIKER - 30/8/12 at 06:20 PM

So hopefully it could be a good one!

Sadly I'm kit car'less at the moment. My 1st striker is currently for sale on piston heads and teases me every time I look! I've got the bug for a new car so want to have a look at whats about. Some nice stuff from mnr, raw and also westfield so would like a proper look.

Proby - 30/8/12 at 08:56 PM

I think I might go along, if the shows crap, at least the racing should be good entertainment!!

snippy - 30/8/12 at 09:11 PM

I will be going to this new show and judging by the write up in the current issue of Complete Kit Car they have put a lot of effort into the planning of this show. You also get a 50% discount into the Donninton Grand Prix collection museum by showing your show wrist band. Yes it`s free if you go in a kit as a driver but passengers will be paying £15 on the day to get in. I think £10 would have been more acceptable and wonder if the price tag will scare a few away? Whatever, I hope the show is a success and it becomes a new annual event for somewhere else for us all to go.

adithorp - 30/8/12 at 09:31 PM

Originally posted by snippy
Yes it`s free if you go in a kit as a driver but passengers will be paying £15 on the day to get in. I think £10 would have been more acceptable and wonder if the price tag will scare a few away?

It's £10 for kit passengers (as opposed to normally £15 adult entry) though it is £15 for kit passengers who camp (2days entry and camping fee).

hobbsy - 30/8/12 at 09:43 PM

Adi - heard you are going hopefully I will see you there

adithorp - 30/8/12 at 10:29 PM

Are you coming home just for this... or have you got a knackered engine to fit

puma931 - 31/8/12 at 07:37 AM

The weather looks like it will be good :-)

I will be there tomorrow, and £15 is good value as it also includes the racing, which costs £15.

Sierra - 31/8/12 at 09:21 AM

I will hopefully be coming up to this so I can see the different styles of kit cars before buying one. Will be bugging people for info and see if they let me sit in their car to see if I fit.

jimgiblett - 31/8/12 at 09:37 AM

Originally posted by adithorp
Are you coming home just for this... or have you got a knackered engine to fit

Hobbsy is coming up with me in my Alfa Scuderia (hopefully it will be classed as a "kit car" )

Would bring the Fury but Procomp are working their magic getting the chassis upgraded.

- Jim

Alfa145 - 31/8/12 at 10:05 AM

Sun is shining, car is washed and packed. Just need to fetch the required Bacon and Sausages for the camping breakfast then I'll be off......

Looking at the forcast it should be the first dry kit show this year.....(hope that doesn't jinx it!)

coozer - 31/8/12 at 11:54 AM

Yes, I'm coming. (to the show btw)

adithorp - 31/8/12 at 01:44 PM

Originally posted by Sierra
I will hopefully be coming up to this so I can see the different styles of kit cars before buying one. Will be bugging people for info and see if they let me sit in their car to see if I fit.

mine wil be on the JPSC pitch. come and find me a.d you'll be welcome to try it for size

thefreak - 31/8/12 at 02:18 PM

I'll be going Be out on track as well in the SR/GT class (I think?) I'm not in the white MX150R car 77 if you see it missing apexes and braking points lol

parkiboy - 31/8/12 at 06:11 PM

I really wanted to go, I was excited for this as I thought it would be my first show in my car but after the terrible luck I have had with the engine givig up on the first run I can imagine seeing everyone there in there cara just royally pissing me off lol

hobbsy - 3/9/12 at 07:46 AM

Originally posted by adithorp
Are you coming home just for this... or have you got a knackered engine to fit

I may have had some engine swappery to do yes. It's not my fault (as usual - well apart from the once... no twice!)

Good to see you Adi, Rog and Ed.

Sonic7 - 4/9/12 at 05:51 PM

Originally posted by thefreak
I'll be going Be out on track as well in the SR/GT class (I think?) I'm not in the white MX150R car 77 if you see it missing apexes and braking points lol

is this you ?

stig mills - 7/9/12 at 11:00 AM

From my stance it is very difficult to justify doing 3 shows in the same part of the Country when they are only a few months apart. The reality is that a good proportion of the visitors to Stoneleigh also went to Newark and Donington. That's fine if you are not trying to sell anything. Now if a show were held North in the peak summer that would be a boost to the industry in terms of showing our wares to a predominately different crowd and hopefully under the sun. It has always seemed very odd to me that all the shows are in the shoulder months of the summer, I am told by the organisers of the various shows however that summer shows don't draw big crowds due to holidays. Shame really when the best chance of good weather for our fair weather cars is coincidently when there is no show to attend.
Now if a show took place at a track with a fee for track use and manufacturers/parts and tools folk were charged a smallish fee to erect a mini marque next to their owners area to display and sell from,
you could probably have a big show! So how about Croft or Blighton. They are further North, fairly low cost venues, July maybe, £30 for half an hour on track perhaps. What do you guys think?
Sorry that should be Blyton, or I wonder if manufacturers would travel to Knockhill. It's been some years since a Scottish kit car show took place.