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Oxford Meeting July
scutter - 30/6/06 at 04:50 PM

Thought I'd try something diffrent this month and tell everyone about the meeting with more than 1days notice.

So this months meeting will be on the Tuesday 11th July at the Boundry house in Abingdon, Normally about 19:00-19:30 or when i've finished sorting the kids out and repaired the car about 5 times.


ATB Dan.

[Edited on 30/6/06 by scutter]

R1minimagic - 30/6/06 at 07:47 PM

might bring the lotus, it's taxed and insured now!!!

scutter - 1/7/06 at 12:12 PM

Cool, just don't drive to fast.

You sure there's no way of bringing the mini

ATB Dan.

[Edited on 1/7/06 by scutter]

Toady1 - 1/7/06 at 04:30 PM

bring the mini bring the mini bring the mini bring the mini bring the mini bring the mini bring the mini bring the mini bring the mini bring the mini bring the mini bring the mini!!!!!!!

Jumpy Guy - 2/7/06 at 11:00 AM

I'll be there..

oh, and bring the mini.




scutter - 2/7/06 at 03:18 PM

Do you want to tell them it's not road legal or shall I ( bugger)

ATB Dan.

chris.russell - 2/7/06 at 04:35 PM

I should be there like normal, see you all nearer the time

Cheffy - 2/7/06 at 08:25 PM


Thought I'd try something diffrent this month and tell everyone about the meeting with more than 1days notice.

Wow, radical Dan, I'm not sure I understand the concept though, could you just run that by me one more time

I'll be there if I'm not working.



Toady1 - 3/7/06 at 07:19 AM

ill be going!

scutter - 3/7/06 at 10:40 AM

It's new i know Martin, But there's always time to change things at the last minute

ATB Dan.

R1minimagic - 3/7/06 at 06:03 PM

Mini won't even get over speed bumps now!!!

Toady1 - 3/7/06 at 08:19 PM

take the long way round!

greggors84 - 3/7/06 at 08:33 PM

If i can get the bits and the SVA retest in time, the indy could be coming along.

If not ill be there in the tin top.

Toady1 - 10/7/06 at 07:01 PM

Originally posted by greggors84
If i can get the bits and the SVA retest in time, the indy could be coming along.

If not ill be there in the tin top.

so....did you get it done?

greggors84 - 11/7/06 at 02:46 PM

No! Got a new job, so have been really busy with that and told my old part time job im leaving so they have given me loads of shifts!

Doesnt look like I will be able to make it tonight, which is a shame as it look like it will be a nice evening.

Away at snetterton with my new job this weekend after that I have some time off so the car will be re SVAd then.

Jumpy Guy - 11/7/06 at 04:38 PM

so..... who is going to be there???

Jumpy Guy - 11/7/06 at 04:39 PM

so..... who is going to be there???

scutter - 11/7/06 at 05:11 PM

I'll be there, No car though as new carb hasn't turned up yet, i'll be in a "beer disposial unit" T shirt.

ATB Dan.

Thatcher - 3/10/12 at 08:57 PM


Can anyone tell us when the next meeting is please,,,,,
